Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

I never wanted the blue eyes. I wanted red.

I still don’t really have that because it’s tied to the pale skin and I wanted to to be able to show my warrior rage. I don’t want to be pale.

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this isn’t really a new thing for blizzard. they are unfortunately lazy. I agree they should add lore for it but we know they won’t.

We don’t know how Blizz feels about green or gold eyes. They haven’t given those to Velves.

There is everything wrong with taking everything unique about one race and deluding it down for others to take.

My line is with the green and gold eyes and Silvermoon.

At first everyone was like, we only want what was always on the Alliance. Now it’s let’s take Horde things out of spite. It’s a pretty bad look.


Just like how we have no idea why void elves have dark ranger options even though they literally had a whole questline about what the undead were doing, and put in extra text to explain the options for night elves.
Even though they had already been introduced into the lore.

Blizzard sucks sometimes XD

It all boils down to greediness and playing the victim card.


We’ve seen the devs stating that with the healing of the Sunwell Blood Elves were going to eventually get blue eyes. Blue eyes for Blood Elves makes perfect sense.


And there is the fact that any blood elf who did not reside within silvermoon would never have got the green eyes in the first place.
The fel was only in the city after all.

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They haven’t given their stance on green and gold eyes, but that’s not exactly what I was getting at. Blizzard so far has shown, through the skin tones, hair colors, and now darkfallen customization, that they do not have much interest in the “visual uniqueness” argument.

The problem some Blood Elf players have was thinking they deserve uniqueness in the first place. Their race/species has existed on both factions for the longest time, it was entirely inevitable that they would get duplicated for both factions to enjoy.

You can keep your golden eyes, I don’t particularly agree with giving that to Void Elves as it’s 100% intended to be Light themed. However, everything else can be justified to be copied over. And with the exception of the purely Void customization options from Void Elves, their stuff can, for the most part, also be replicated over to Blood Elves.

If you actually think about it, most of the things being requested for sharing make no sense to be gatekept. Hair Styles (nothing is stopping you from styling your hair a certain way), Hair Colors (nothing is stopping you from dying it a certain color), Eye Colors (High Elves literally can have whatever color they want based on the magic they specialize in as an individual), etc.

As for Silvermoon?

If we are being genuine to the lore, yes Silvermoon can absolutely be shared between the factions. Not only because factions are slowly but surely being dissolved and thus free travel between territories will likely be possible, but also because both races are children of Quel’thalas.

Them being banished was never logical to begin with given that they would only be a true threat to the Sunwell if in extremely close proximity. Them being in Silvermoon is not anywhere close to the Sunwell.

I imagine that’s only really a few people that are borderline online. Most people just want options because they look cool :sweat_smile:

Yep being a roleplayer is a pain sometimes. MG has an entire wiki around basic laws because blizzard doesn’t know how to world build.

My theories as to how void elf dark rangers exist basically boil down to

  • maybe a few void elves got raised somewhere or another during BFA

  • It’s entirely possible that there were undead blood elves that helped Umbric during his research and got caught in the void trap, some of these people might also know more as they might have some relation to Dar’khan and could further the research

  • It’s just a bunch of dead high elves that decided their allegiances lie more with the alliance than the horde.

An official statement at the very least would be nice. More void elf lore in general is needed.


They didn’t say they don’t have much interest in the visual uniqueness of races. They said they are open to giving more customizations and not having it always tied to lore. That doesn’t mean that everyone will get everything and not have it tied to lore.

Every race deserves uniqueness. I don’t want to wear everyone’s heritage armor and be in their cities and look how they look. If I wanted that, I’d play that race.

You don’t decide what I keep anymore than I get to decide it. I’m just voicing where the line is on what I feel is good.

There’s plenty in the Void Elf Customization thread that is actually original and creative that you don’t need to keep taking from us.

No Silvermoon in lore is not shared at all. Helves are only allowed limited pilgrimage.

That’s what I mean about the spitefulness.

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Yeah I’m talking purely about what went on, on the forums. Not really in general.


And I agree with most of that stuff. I would like to see more Void customization on Void Elves. I’ve said time and time again that the Void theme is the only theme that should be exclusive to Void Elves and the Light theme the only theme exclusive to Blood Elves.

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We don’t just have the light theme though. Some Belves still have the green eyes. According to the writers, only Belves with gold eyes are the ones devoted enough to the light.

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I like the character i play to have a foundation in lore.

So using the dark ranger options on my void elf doesnt feel right to me.
But im using them anyways because theyre cool…

Once the new shiny effect wears off i will change them back to being a normal void elf with the regular story i gave them XD

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I use them on my void elf because the color red is cooler.

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The red eyes are very cool
There is a fair chance i would keep them if they werent tied to the skin tone


Imagine thinking BfA Sylvanas had any scruples.

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I don’t have any scruples either. I killed a lot of innocent animals to get their eyes, teeth, hearts, livers, etc. to get where I’m at now.

I’m just a murder hobo for hire.


Alliance has High Elves, they have since vanilla. they just got playable. Blood Elf appearance isn’t a unique thing to the Horde really… and Nightborne happened giving the Horde Night Elven appearance.

I think it’s tough for blizzard too, I’m not positive that like… what WoW sees for Blood Elves is the same thing that the players do based on the reaction to the jewelry?

Yeah, that’s the way it’s going.

There is an argument that it’s also like… Silvermoon chic, but the jewelry wasn’t very well received.