Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers is totally fine. But Nightborne being able to cosplay as dark rangers makes just as much sense. Really. Would it really make no sense lore-wise for there to be Nightborne dark rangers? Sylvanas was still in charge and raising people into undeath when the Nightborne dome came down. There’s been Nightborne to raise as dark rangers since Legion. It’s not too much of a stretch to imagine there might be a few, certainly as many as void elf dark rangers.

Long story a bit shorter, Nightborne should have gotten the dark ranger customization options too. Not just because it would make things even between Horde and Alliance when it comes to this option, but because it makes just as much sense as dark ranger void elves do.


I was actually confused that they didn’t get any. The ‘poster’ said all elves. Are NBelves not elves?


Right? But then we are kinda used to not getting customizations. Hopefully they’ll change this down the line.

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If they give Nightborne the customization, they should also add an in-game big awkward moment between Sylvanas and Thalyssra, because raising someone into undeath isn’t something that’s done lightly, and doing it to a newly made ally is a diplomatic disaster.


No nightborne were ever raised as dark rangers. So yeah, it would really make no sense lore-wise.


I’d also like the eyes to not be hard-linked to the skintone. But it’s still better than nothing! An exciting hidden gift.

I think the only ones without eye colour options are NBelves and both flavours of Draenei…


Neither nightborne nor void elves have been depicted as raised as dark rangers.
Both nightborne and void elves were at the battle for Lordaeron.

Either the correlation for Sylvanas raising new dark rangers there works for both or it doesn’t work for either.


It is just another weird way for Blizzard to spite Horde elf players. The lore has been thrown out the window for this whole thing anyways.


We’re definitely the redheaded step child


Void elves should have never gotten blood elf customizations. What they should have gotten was more void customs.


I don’t really think it makes sense for either. I’m quite baffled they gave the options to void elves. But at the same time, I find it more feasible that there are void elf dark rangers than nightborne.

Sylvanas generally didn’t raise horde troops as undead. The people that died and got reanimated at the battle of lordaeron did so as a result of the blight. They all rose as mindless undead. It was bad, but it was more akin to friendly fire. Raising a dark ranger is a much bigger deal. We played and saw that during the war in darkshore. Horde forces being reanimated in lordaeron was more akin to friendly fire. For Sylvanas to raise some nightborne as dark rangers would have been absolutely deliberate. And she was still maintaining the facade of warchief, and ostensibly following the rules. So I don’t think it would be believable at all to suggest she might have raised any.

As for void elves… Well she might have. We don’t know. It’s weak, but it’s not no chance. So I’m not going to lose sleep over it.


No skin off my back.


And sylvanas is nothing if not the perfect diplomat, who spends all her time concerning herself with diplomatic stuff and things.

Red eyes for Nightborne and Death Knights please!


Ehh wouldn’t work on death knights. Besides we already have the best eyes. Icy, misty blue.


What can I say, weaponizing diplomacy can be a very powerful thing.
/Cackles wickedly to herself.

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100% it should have been added to Nightborne and I sincerely hope they are working on it. It’s entirely not cool that void elves got it while nightborne did not. I don’t care so much that void elves got it as nightborne didn’t, but they did.

It makes as much sense for a void elf dark ranger as it does nightborne. Actually, Nightborne make more sense given they are Horde.


Yes because Sylvanas did not raise any elfs after the darkshore she has no prime valkyr with her and she did not raise her own and nightborne werent at lordaeron she didnt even raise void elfs either but its all stupid and drak rangers arent paladins or mages or anything other than hunters it was a stupid decision

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Not true as they gave the option to sport the Night Warrior eyes as a Death Knight.

They arent void elfs they are high elfs that went back to the alliance

No it does not because Sylvanas didnt have a way to raise anyone after darkshore and nightborne wasnt present and she wasnt raising her own people these elfs are all high elfs and night elfs