Void elves cosplaying as high elves and dark rangers

No, they’re not. They’re void elves. Their race is void elf. Void elves got Dark Ranger customization. Plain and simple. None of this ‘but high elves’ got it nonsense when you can have a tentacle-haired void elf that goes into EE as a Dark Ranger. Void elves looking ‘normal’ doesn’t make their race High Elves. They’re still void elves. There is no high elf subrace.

Nightborne should get this customization too. End of story. There is no debate.


Thats entirely different. That’s a racial thing. Either way dks have the blue eyes as a staple of our unquie resurrection. Red eyed undead are a different breed entirely.

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I disagree entirely. The blue eyes are trash. We should have more options.


It really isn’t.

Also, in the Death Knight floating castle that I can’t remember the name of right now, there were already DKs sporting red and green eyes.


Probably a glitch maybe.

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Nope. Given they updated her even further.


Been in the game for many years so no. Are you new to the game?

Because to some people they’re trash, and there’s examples of other eye colors in lore for Death Knights. You don’t have to use them. But other people should be able to. Including those of us who think the blue eye lichfire nonsense is trash.


Meh one person big whoop. Red eyes still don’t work on death knights. Thats like giving dhs golden eyes wouldn’t work.

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Explain how its trash.

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There’s something in this world called opinions. Sort of like how you have one that isn’t actually backed by lore. Well, I have one too. Simple.

Also, muting this thread. Don’t care to argue with someone obtuse.


Yes they do. Red eyes on DKs have always worked due to Sanlyan and their alliance to the Lich King back in WotLK.

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Thats not my question. I asked you to explain how its trash. Dont move the goal post.


Sanlayn arent dks though.




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Bro all you want. Sanlayn and dks are two entirely different types of undead.


You don’t understand what an alliance is and how different individuals mingle and congregate. That’s on you tbh

I never said they didnt mingle but undead dont breed and just because you’re allied with someone doesnt mean you get their eye color. Thats like saying i can get green eyes from hanging around a green eye person.


This is exactly what just happened with Darkfallen customizations dude. This is exactly what happened with literally all the new Troll skintone options as well.

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