Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Yuck, I’m actually kinda sick to my stomach.

You guys left your discord channel information in the general and I went to take a peek because I was curious what you were talking about. Not only did I not talk to anybody in that discord, I never even actually browsed it because I was to busy treating people who had strokes.

But I was part of another discord group with someone that was making some jokes about being tied up with Fel’dorei spider webs and Moonguard Lions Pride Inn RP. That was the High Elf discord champ. I didn’t keep “pestering” anyone.

Just more gaslighting from you and yours.

You’re doing a great job proving that you’re all secretly very nice. :rofl:


Since we’re going to lie and deny this happened I can attest this happened. I remember a user joining and nobody knew who it was and asked about it for a little bit but didn’t kick it out yet. Then he Dm’d someone in the discord making sexual advances towards them because of some satirical innuendos they made or something. There are plenty of others that can verify this as well from both sides that were active at that time in there.


Not how the person you were stalking tells it.


Not the one who said “yeah I’m not nice to anyone but my friends” denying it.

What an absurd bunch you all are, no wonder you took a fat L. :rofl:

I look forward to continued fat Ls, from the group of harassers who continue to believe people don’t think they’re harassers. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Haven’t you done this in the last, I don’t know, how many minutes has this lasted?

Didn’t happen.

The person who asked me to leave the High Elf Discord? Yeah. since she was on the other side, we mutually left discord servers. I was as, “Forced” as she was.

So… Two things that didn’t happen and a third thing you do constantly? Gotcha chief.

Now here comes the post where he claims everyone is gaslighting him. I’m sure it will be as poorly written as Blizzard’s first apology memo.

“Don’t gaslight be bro!”


Hey! I didn’t know we had blizzard employees posting on their private accounts on here why didn’t anyone tell me!

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I never spoke to anyone in that discord. I didn’t even browse it, so you’re lying. I clicked a link before my shift started, then went and treated stroke patients. When lunch rolled around I was already out of it.

Ooh the whole discord is coming out.

Pretty sure you was the one that came into a thread before I even knew who you was then started attacking me over and over because I’m friends with Lann, Star and Midare then proceeded to rave about how horrible they were and that I shouldn’t like them and since I ignored you, you got more angry and ever since have sat there acting like I should be nice to you when you act like a crazy person.


WoW Anti-High Elfers: “We’re nice. They say we dogpile people. We don’t.”
“You guys dogpile me.”
WoW Anti-High Elfers: “Hold on, we’re mobilizing the discord to lie about ya.”


Nope. That’s just wrong to do, especially if you are in a related field.

told us she had to leave our server because you didn’t approve of it.

No, you did that prior to joining the discord, then you snuck in later and we kicked you to make sure.


Yeah sorry, people who defend harassers are just as bad as the harassers.

Which by the way are all famous harassers, and that was before you famously joined them in harassing.

You see, cause that’s all your side has ever been, and everyone knows it :heart:.

Which is why you do nothing but lose, your platform is a farce for harassment of player request. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


The only people that harass anyone in these threads are people like you and everyone knows it’s Cezol that’s why the only people that like you are the people that act just like you on the pro side it’s disgusting but you people are what you are and we all know it so it’s not like anything better can be expected from you.

My platform was to get Nightborne improved and Nightborne customizations so how exactly have I lost?


This place just got like 500 times more entertaining :popcorn:


It’s been a hot three years here on the forums. But… High Elves are here now, so that’s good.

Jfc, what am I reading :joy: Arguments like this is why the general WoW community thinks we’re all a bunch of clowns.


I missed it where the definition for ‘harassment’ is responding to people on a discussion board! :scream_cat:
Seriously someone needs a better dictionary.


blood elves should not have void customization.
We should have lightforged customization after all we already have golden eyes for light. we should have more lightforged customization! that would be the thematic difference with the void elves. light vs void.