Void Elves are still Void Elves

No, don’t reach please. I’m just putting stuff regarding the roleplayers’ perspective. In fact, there are a lot of people RPing their void elves as high elves right now and sadly only have the TRP (roleplaying addon that lets you add description tags) to flag them, because that is atm the closest representation they can get from a high elf in alliance. Before that they either used night elf or human models.

Of course… Having the ACTUAL race, without void proc, would be awesome, but it’s not happening, and what we’re being given is a huge leap for rpers regardless.

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She’s most certainly a void elf. She’s the first void elf. That’s literally her whole legion arc iirc.

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She’s not a traditional Void Elf, like i told the other one.

Void Elves were made differently than her.

They were an accident, she controls the void intentionally.

She’s a different type of void elf, but she’s still a void elf.

Go watch the Zand trolls unlock quest. She’s seriously void-y

Only thing they got unfortunately is just a skin color change. They will still be labeled void elves.

What do you mean by “skin over”?

He wants the racials to look not void, but arcane and hairstyles to match actual high elves. AKA soft delete of void elves.

They keep the same Void Elf racials but are aesthetically made to look like High Elves.

They’re listed as High Elf, they’re allowed Paladin like High Elves, but they keep the Void Elf racials “colored over” differently as to not look like Void.

Not if it’s a choice.

who won’t? it also gives blizz an option not give them more void customizations.

I don’t think anyone is arguing to remove the tentacle hair options - or the one or two nontentacle options - that they already have.

If they add new hair styles, they should probably focus on nontentacle options since Alleria doesn’t have tentacles and there are already plenty of tentacle options. They could have some nontentacle options that have locks of hair that suggest tentacles, which arguably Alleria has as well.


Eh, I dunno. I think a lot of people who weren’t directly benefiting from the reskins would see it as a bit of a ‘soft deletion’ of void elves if they did something like that.

That’s on Void Elf fans to request isn’t it?

Always will side with the Draenei ladies. /waggle

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blizzard is not doing sub races on the void elf.

If on June 9 they explain that this change is due to the fact that many high elves are studying with alleria and umbric, there is nothing more to say

as the title says here they are still void elfs, and not high elves

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It’s on high elf fans to get they’re own race.

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I’ve decided I like you.

Oh we definitely will!

Except for asking for canonical High Elf options because that would make them High Elves, like you just said.

High Elves “studying and using the Void”, is not the same as the traditional “infused with Void” Void Elves.

There’s still hope, this could all turn out to be very disappointing.

The blood elf racials are actually based on blood elf specific concepts like mana addiction. I think it’s unclear what the appropriate racials would be for Alliance high elves.


It would most likely be ranger/nature baised with a side of arcane since the ones that left qual’thalas to hunt orcs are mostly rangers.

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That’s a lot of conjecture for throwing around words like canonical. I like Liana’s thinking. This just brings void elves into being more like Alleria, which they should since she was the first void elf.