I think void elves are losing what makes them unique if compared to blood elves, at this rate void elves will be just “an incovenient way of playing high elf” in the eyes of the players
That’s kinda the point
No one wanted void elves, they wanted alliance blood elves (aka High Elves)
Uh I sort of made a whole thread about how I prefer void elves to look voidy.
Alliance gets literally a horde race, an we still will see claims of horde bias.
Tbh void elfs should never been a thing
And? You’re the minority in that regard. The vast majority of people wanted high elves, and got the generic dollar tree version that’s the wrong color
Inb4 people come in and say “ackshually it was an alliance race first, we just got it back”
What makes you think you’re the vast majority?
That’s what Void elves always were.
Did you somehow miss the thousands of high elf posts on this forum?
Are you new here?
Been here since vanilla so no.
People who are happy with void elves aren’t the ones on the forums complaining. They are busy playing their void elves. Also a huge part of the forums hates high elf threads for a reason.
Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against high elves, but don’t say no one wants void elves. I happen to like the void flavor a lot. I’ve always wanted to play a race or class that has close ties to the old gods and void elves were right up my alley. I never played a blood elf because they don’t interest me. And I know several people in game who love being a void elf.
I love all my void elves. All like 4 of them. I just couldn’t help myself.
Now the lore, or what passes for it based on what was given to us, is not great. Oh well…I put my own RP spice on my chars so less lore means I get more freedoms there to get creative.
Even though the whole HE thing does not appeal to me at all, I believe people still wanted them to be unique. Right now they are literally just a copy/paste with different hair styles
We also got some different eye colors and I hope they give us more void-flavored eyes. I want dark eyes not bright eyes. I want to look scary.
I demand thiccer nightborne as compensation
Void elves I hope will be similar to Worgen.
Worgen can run around all day in their human form and then in combat turn into their worgen form. I’d like it if that happens with Void Elves. You can still be that high elf you wanted, but at the core your character has accepted the gift of the Void and it’s going to whisper to you.
Maybe with all the shadowpriests complaining they could just give void elves the voidform ascetic.
No really?!
Void elves were made just for the cry elf beggars and they weren’t satisfied getting the model they want to completely strip the Horde of Blood and have the race for them because they still feel like they are entitled to something that was never there’s to begin with. And they won’t quit crying until they get every single last customization and Classes Blood elves that Void elves don’t.
Tbh, blood elves should never have been horde, but blizzard were desperate and had to encourage people to play horde so gave them an alliance race.
It didnt take long hahaha
Horde then proceeded to complain for years about them, but now that the Alliance is getting reused assets of that exact same race, it’s blasphemy.
It’s like people didn’t pay attention for 10+ years to all the heckling belfs got from “true horde” players.
Nobody wanted the ugly chihuahuas either yet here you are 8 years later.