Void Elves are cool

you look amazing. love the brilliant color contrasts.

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  1. Out of context.
  2. At least you admit you are NOT a void elf.

thank you for being an advocate :+1:

the primary reason for that is because they are an alliance allied race. we allied races are last in queue as you can see from us all being piled up at the bottom of customization combos. i think dark irons have least, followed by kul’tirans, vulpera, mechagnomes and void elves. only 1 of those is horde, and likely reason for them being neglected is blizz needs to hire a furry artist for it


Yawn the victim complex isn’t appealing, people like you asked for hand me downs from us that’s exactly what you got, you don’t like it now that’s too bad, you got what you asked for.

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should i just quit asking then?

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I could careless what you do, I mean honestly I’ve blocked you so many times to try to avoid talking to you and you just toon hop to bypass my ignores so honestly I don’t care, in my opinion people like you got exactly what you asked for because you can pretend to be blonde, blue eyed with normal skintones and while you still have trash hair at least you can pretend.

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white haired, purple eyed on this one. hey, i’ll take pink too, if they’re spreading it around though i prefer the cotton candy pink that gnomes have.

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Sorry, I’m not here to care what Void Elves want or advocate for them to get anything past what they have, that died when I got rid of my own Void Elf Warlock, not to mention this thread isn’t a customization thread it’s a thread about how cool Void Elves are supposed to be and they aren’t, actually most of the responses even from other Void Elves are people that use the normal options aren’t cool so.

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“Stop liking what I don’t like waaaaaah!”


well i was happy for you getting your pink hair request. least you could do is quit spitting every time i post.


Never quit asking! I’d love for more customizations in general since dracthyr put all others to shame. I’d love more customizations for velves since, aside from when blizz added the eye colors, I changed this toon’s eye color to the dark blue ones. I haven’t changed her appearance since I made her back in legions because there’s nothing else I want to add.

I’d love some ranger tattoos, face and body scars, jewelry options, more hairstyles/colors, have a braid toggle for where the void tendrils are so there’s not just empty space if people don’t want that just for starters. Hopefully in Midnight, we get some more options for velf, helf, and belf characters, although I am more partial to velf and helf stuff since I don’t play belf.


dark eyed option would be cool, too. like a deep blue or deep purple with a star or two glowing in them. hehe.


Oh yeah, how did I forget more eye colors!


would be really cool, if your eyecolor could match your haircolor - like a toggle to match or not match hair color and eyecolor. this char would have glowy copper eyes. oh yeah, thats tasty

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More eye colors for all races would be nice, especially LFD since they are the only ones that can’t pick eye color lol

But yes, I enjoy matching my magic using characters’ eyes to the color of the school of magic they gravitate towards so it would be nice to have more color choices! This character would have magenta eyes, you can’t see it since my hood blocks it.

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amplified. They become living matter/antimatter reactors

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this sounds dangerous. hehe. maybe give us crystals that channel one or the other of those safely, so if we choose say the yellow crystal, we can channel holy/light spells, and if we choose the blue crystal, we channel void, and make it part of the rotation, to swap between crystals. oh this is getting interesting and likely why it wouldnt happen.; too much work to do for some measley alliance allied race lol

this is the war in warcraft


Paladins don’t channel the light. They are infused with it. This let’s them use their powers even when they are “disconnected” from their origin power source.

right, so since velfs cant be infused with it, give them a crystal that is infused with it. either that or just pretend its okay if every other race can be paladins except velfs. we’re missing like half the classes in the game