Void Elves are cool

Which I only said once someone in this thread started being a bully/gatekeeper towards OP…crazy how that works. Actions get reactions.

I am past it, I am enjoying playing WoW and enjoying chatting on the forums, I just thought everythign Greatbrae was saying towards OP was unecessary, rude, and spiteful :person_shrugging:


They sure are. It’s just I wished they had a Capital City on Azeroth, Faction Reputation, More Mounts, Tabard available to all, and etc.


I guess I’ll just say that the OP hasn’t exactly gotten along with people that disagree with them, myself included which is why I ended up chucking them on my ignore so might wanna take that into consideration before being so quick to defend them.

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Void Elves are the best. Other wow races are no where near

you tried to personally insult me lol, then tried to cover it all up

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And now despite the fact I have them ignored they are still trying to ping me, I rest my case.

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I once again warn you about talking to that person. She already thinks I’m you and went as far as going to customer support and claim I’m stalking her because I posted here and flagged 9 of my posts in ignore topic and that we alt hop.

Just trying to warn because you might get pulled for her trolling over frigging customizations LOL.

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I hate to break it to you, but most Void Elves think they are High Elves.

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I have to agree people’s fun and RP choices are valid, everyone has different favorite races in wow.

Tbh for what it’s worth I understand where you’re coming from in that I would feel the same way with people towards Blood Elves.

I’m not really sure what’s going on in this thread but the OP said VEs were cool so I’m not sure what it serves to disagree w that statement it feels petty, and I know I’d be defensive when people do the same over Blood Elves who also have High Elf options.

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I don’t mind them.

Both sides bullied, ppl witb idea’s outside the anti’s and VE diluters got bullied. None of you 2 are innocent.

Ya know your qouting the guy that did wanted HE on alliance but not through VE’s right?

How many times do i need to remind you guys about this?

If you want to represent VE’s, yes you do. Again the non-void corrupted customization represents high elves, much like the wildhammer tats on dwarves represent wildhammer dwarves, not ironforge dwarves.

Says the person calling others labels.

Honestly the problem isn’t them using high elf options, the problem is dishonesty in total. We all know those that don’t choose to use the actual customization that actually represent void elves are actually supporting high elves and not the race they are claiming to be.

I need a quote on that again.

And still, Skin color is just one of the many options. You could have fair skin but tendrils, or maybe no tendrils but purple skin, or just the hair color, so many options.

With Alleria being the racial leader of VEs, is Hard to think they can’t be fair skinned (even if she was made in a different process).

I think the customization options are there, just options, the player has agency on what those mean for their characters, this is not like the man’ari customization or the darkfallen customization where we got a questline to explain why the option is available.

If a player wants to represent a fair skinned void elf, fair game IMO.


I hope void elves get more monster like void customizations; Alliance needs more monster races it’s very lacking. :octopus:

I really like the void aspect of the race and background.


interview on WoW’s channel on youtube. they talk about giving high elf options to blood elves, and then giving it to void elves. because it was “natural”

It was a patch interview.

Which btw, was a bad decision that blizz was pushed to doing due to the constant spam on the forums.

I like you, you seem to have great taste. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


The request was legitimate because there were also players who wanted to be a void elf like Alleria.

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100%. But this isn’t really surprising, given that Blizzard twisted the request. They reaped what they sow.

The reality was different though. The US-forums alone has no weight in this matter. But the American people were the most immature with the constant spams, that’s for sure.

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Why aren’t you blue skinned?

why do you care


If Void Elves are cool then why use the High Elf skin tone and not the Blueberry?