Void Elves are cool

personally dont like void elves because they removed paladin and the lack of cc options. makes no sense. they’re the same as belfs why all the sudden they lost hair? literally, lost hair…so many balding velfs lol. plus im waiting for them to make void knights which they could have done for lore reasons so they didn’t lose a whole class, maybe in the midnight expansion. :dracthyr_a1:

my hair is the longest in azeroth what do you mean…

you’re beautiful my dear, its the other ones that choose to be balding. :joy:


Void elves are the reason I went alliance after over a decade of being horde :sweat_smile:

And you don’t see me rubbing in things, giving misinformation along with it to others.

Your not a VE. Period.

i literally never asked ur the one intruding stay mad glowstick


The problem is when I ignore someone I ignore them for a reason and in that persons case we have clashed multiple times because it’s always the same old same old of some kind of artificial victim complex which is just annoying so I have actually ignored them multiple times and they have acknowledged in multiple posts knowing that I ignore them because they will always say well Naughty ignores me or she has me ignored and yet then they will bypass my ignores on another alt, people like that are legit a prime example of why these forums need account wide ignores that way we can ignore the person not the character and if they bounce to another character they are still ignored.

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There should be account wide ignores, but at a certain point, you’re also responsible for continuing to interact with them even after ignoring them. As soon as you recognize someone is someone you’ve previously ignored, you should just disengage responding to them entirely.

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Already solved that as far as I’m aware I have every posting alt of that person ignored now, although again I shouldn’t have to ignore someone more than once but it’s whatever I guess.

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Anti’s went from bullying us and telling us “You aren’t a High Elf and never will be one even with High Elf skin and hair” to bullying us and telling us “You aren’t a Void Elf because you use High Elf skin and hair”

a circle of life! :joy:


I love void elves! I would love them more if they had more cosmic/star/void themed cosmetics. But they are hands down the best caster race out there. Can’t beat that no pushback cast time =P


I hope that they get more cool customization options either in War Within or Midnight! Alleria’s redesign has cool ombre blond to blue starcursed hair and Xal’atath has super cool eyes and markings!

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it is weird that people are acting unhinged over more options for a race where hell we ALL need more. who cares just give us more options it doesnt need to be a velf vs. belf thing … wow players lol something else


Says the person that has after the fact went like others trying to buddy up to the same people you call anti’s, guess you didn’t think they share what you say in Discords or whatever but this whole false narrative you are trying to push is literally completely made up.

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…huh? This doesn’t make any sense lol

  1. I don’t care what any “anti’s” have to say, I think people trying to gatekeep are silly and they’ve lost every time, I have the options I wanted, I have no reason to really care lol. Anyone who is obsessed enough about pixel Elves in WoW to share forum comments from me in an anti-high elf discord is just…well they’re certainly spending their time uniquely!
  1. I’m not “creating false narratives”. Anyone who has frequented these types of threads has seen the multitude of comments like:

“No matter what you still have the Void Elf tag”
“No matter what you still turn blue in combat, you aren’t a High Elf”
“No matter what you still bleed blue”
etc. etc. etc.

so I just was pointing out how funny it was to now see someone saying:

is hilarious as it’s now the opposite rhetoric being used to try to make us feel bad for enjoying customization options in a video game rofl


The whole purpose of this thread is that Void Elves are supposedly cool and from what I’ve seen even from most of the Void Elf posters in this thread most people don’t think they are cool if they aren’t using the void customizations and they are entitled to feel that way trying to spin it like people are trying to make you feel bad or whatever is absurd especially considering you yourself are trying to take the so called high ground while dredging up past stuff which is even funnier considering you just referenced a Discord that hasn’t existed in quite some time now.

So maybe you should try not labeling everyone anti just because they don’t like normal customizations on Void Elves, plus as some of your very own Void Elf players that have become friends with us have said you can’t be anti High Elf when you are playing a High Elf because that’s exactly what Blood Elves are.

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Except Void Elves don’t need to “use void customizations” to be Void Elves or for us to think they are cool. Alleria is one of the main Void Elf fantasies and the entire fantasy is that she’s a normal looking High Elf who turns void-y in intense combat situations where she gets a super power up. That’s a cool racial fantasy for many people, and a valid Void Elf fantasy.

There are also many who use normal skin tones mixed with Void hairs, and vice versa, as maybe their Void Elf fantasy is a one who is only partially physically changed so far or who is a newer recruit.

And others RP as complete High Elves or completely constantly voidy Velves and those are both fine too.

All of it is valid and nobody needs your or anybody elses’s approval or agreement lol, we are having fun in a video game with our characters, the end :person_shrugging:

You…brought up Discord out of nowhere to try to make me feel bad…I never brought Discord up lol


That’s…cool for them? Yay?


Yes I did mention Discord because some of your quotes and DM’s have been linked in them because you have tried to buddy up with certain people you are still labeling anti’s, pick your lane, either you like us or you hate us, also doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean it was in the anti elf Discord which again hasn’t existed for quite some time now but of course you wouldn’t know that since the people you have tried to buddy up to clearly didn’t tell you.

Actually they are right, the Blood Elves are the High Elven race so we aren’t anti High Elf by being anti Void Elf.

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This is your issue lol, you are so tribalistic everything has to be an us vs them. I get along perfectly fine with reasonable people even if we may not share the same stance on things. I don’t get along with people who I see actively being bullies and gatekeepers.

Idk who I have supposedly “buddied up with” according to you, but I don’t really have many friends from the forums whom I talk to regularly, I have in-game and IRL friends who I play and talk about WoW with, so no I haven’t been trying to keep up with the activities of you guys :woozy_face:

Void Elves are High Elves too. And they are Blood Elves. Who are High Elves. :hugs:


Really because you are one of the people still carrying on about how people are being bullies or gatekeeping because they don’t agree with you, might want to take that into consideration because just because you say someone is a bully or a gatekeeper doesn’t actually make them one, they are entitled to like things you don’t or dislike things you do it’s a two way street.

I don’t wanna name names since certain people are in certain Discords but we had thought you had gotten to a point where you was past this whole anti thing but I’m starting to wonder if that’s actually so.

Never said they aren’t, I just say they are void infused.

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