Void Elves and their void forms

When did they say this?

I remember a dev saying in an interview that “maybe a toggle option for Entropic Embrace could be discussed”. That’s all I’ve ever heard.

Now, regarding this topic - I agree with you, OP. I too would love to see Entropic Embrace made a toggable racial instead of a passive proc.

And Worgen players should also have the possibility to not turn into a Worgen when a fight starts.

Ignore the High Elf/Void Elf haters. Taylor Swift was right.


Lol. People don’t actually care about void elves, so stop pretending. What they care about is having their void elves not look like void elves.


No one here is pretending that isn’t true.

I’m not gonna use the high elf options. But I would love to have the option to use the racial or at least the visual whenever I want (not through customization though) like Alleria. So that two forms spells should really be added.


It isnt a nerf, mathematically it works out to the same.


Why not?
I wouldnt mind an option to be super voidy all the time


My Void Elf questions that anytime he sees every random NPC using Void portals, even Orcs
 but not him. :neutral_face:


I think it would be cool as a togglable visual effect.
No need for the racial to change either. They can just make your character flash for a split second when it procs to let you know its active if you’ve got it toggled on.

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I would not want Entropic Embrace to work like Worgen form. I would not want to be forced into Entropic Embrace 100% of the time while in combat. I like Entropic Embrace as a proc. It feels empowering when it procs and looks cool when it fades (if you bother to watch it).

If Entropic Embrace was purely a visual toggle, had no affect on my dps, and was completely under my control I might not complain, but I don’t think Blizzard will change it like that. I’m fine with Entropic Embrace as it is. If I had to ask for anything regarding it, I’d ask for the option to customize its color so I can go a darker or lighter shade with it.

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i just want my void elf paladin

Serious, why, why still have class/race lock in this game
 Pls dont says that lorewise cause lore in wow is a mess now

That’s why they could add that cosmetic spell which lets you use the form as a visual whenever you want. Like the worgen can their human forms but the void form could work in combat as well as it’s just a visual color

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Leave the VE racials alone.

We don’t need more reasons for people to favor the Horde.

VEs make powerful mastery stacking Dks. Making any changes of their “Void Form” will dampen this statement.

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That’s why I proposed that two forms spell. The racial will stay the same but players will be able to use the visual without a buff like the worgen can use their human forms.


Would probably be better if we got the Void form as a skin tone separate from the racial, one like Alleria’s photonegative Void form and one reflecting the Player’s milder Void form.


So long as it was a separate and purely cosmetic spell that I wasn’t forced into whenever in combat, then I wouldn’t object to it.


That could work as well. But personally I think that two forms spell would be perfect.

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Two-Forms would be pretty cool to be honest.

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It would be amazing. That way if you want you can use the visual all the time or whenever you want. Or simply stay with the proc. Nothing will change. Just a simple visual cosmetic spell

Not you, the other guy. He’s mad because the proc is only thing that still makes them void elves. If you remove the proc, they’re pretty much high elves people wanted (minus paladin class)

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