Void Elves and their void forms

Yes please! I’d love to be able to rock the Void appearance at will as opposed to wishing it would last more than 12 seconds. I’d also love to be able to customize the colors as seen in this picture.

https:/ /i.imgur.com/T2wuYNh.jpg

I know these images were designed as Void Elf Skin tones, but I’d love the ability to shift from a regular appearance to the photo negative colors that Alleria has in her form, bringing us closer to her fantasy. I love the duality behind this idea, a true second form like Blizzard initially described it when BFA was being developed.

I would also be fine with some of these options being added to the base form, especially those hair colors, which would be the best hair color in the game.

And the Worgen? Well I’d give them the option to shift between forms at will, not just out of combat.