Void elves and blood elves need more visual distinction

So, what about pandaren?

I think you are right about this, although it is a bit vague due the “any who”. There is no reason to address the undead Kaldorei like this, otherwise how should it explained that the Dark Rangers are part of the Alliance now.

I mean, in that piece you posted, she mentioned the Night Elves already. Presumably the “any” are in contrast to the Kaldorei she mentions wanting to stay in Lordaeron. As for Velf Dark Rangers, they’re pretty much in the same boat as Dark Ranger paladins and Druids. They’re a product of Blizz being pretty generous with the new customizations, which I’m okay with. I just don’t want to see Helf Dark Ranger characters in Alliance lore going forward–it’d undermine Velonara recomitting them to Lordaeron. Player characters RPing as defecting Dark Rangers is A-okay with me.

I think they are prefering the Human Pirates in Kul’tiras or the Alteraci Kingdom Humans the formed a Rogue Bandit Faction that is still around to this very day.

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More or less.

A lot of people like the idea of Alterac joining the Horde seeing a storyline where the ruling line returns or the Forsaken push to put someone they favor in power, unite the remaining Syndicate cells and what few Alteraci may be bouncing about, as well as incorporating the pirate faction that joined the Horde during BfA. Sometimes other small groups are lumped in as well and I particularly like having the Crushridge Ogres that currently hold the ruins thrown in for good measure.

While Alterac was never really Horde during the second war they did (or their king did anyways) give the Horde free passage and betray the Alliance of Lordaeron back then. Given whats happened since I could see a retaken city of Alterac still have a bit of a chip on its shoulder for how the Alliance treated them after the war and for recently rebuilding their rival city of Stromgarde.

Could be quite the story and really does fit well for a Horde group all things considered.

I’ve literally thought about writing up a thread for it not unlike my Velf or furbolg threads for some time… Still might… Guzzle has a nice thread on it as well though its been quiet awhile now.

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But Void Elves don’t have “ear to ear” beards…

Here’s all the Void Elf Male facial hair options:

Now here’s all the Blood Elf Male facial hair options:

So which Void Elf Male facial hair option did you want for Blood Elves that they don’t already have? The second to last Void Elf one is a “full” beard to me, and Blood Elves have one nearly identical as their second to last. About the only one I wouldn’t mind stealing from Void Elves for my Blood Elves is the last Void Elf facial hair option that has the disconnected mustache and beard (named “anchor” in the barber).


Thank you for that… its been bothering me minorly since they said that… was wondering what beard they were referring to.

Nice to see that all layed out… mind if I steal those images for later use?


By all means feel free!

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Now that I am looking at it closely, I can really see how Blizzard could separate the mustache and beard sections for both Blood Elves and Void Elves to give us more freedom to mix and match! Hopefully that happens in the not too distant future!


Thank you!

I hope they will. It would be nice to both see those options become more diverse with a simple separation to Beard, Mustache and Chop alone. Plus it would give them more leeway when adding new beard options to both Blood and Void Elves later down the line.

I really do hope they mean it when they suggested that Dracthyr are kinda a model of what they want to get everyone to later down the line… and I hope like in their example it only takes one expansion to see most races see those efforts.


I hope Blood Elves and Void Elves will get to snag the Dracthyr facial hair options or something very much like them someday!


Honestly most of the Dracthyr options would work well for the parent races of those visage forms…

I actually forgot to look at the beard options when making my male dracthyr… I think I’ll go take a look. lol


Yea there’s like tons of threads about the Alteraci Humans with Unique Customization Options and such story about like the Children retaking Alterac after returning out of the Shadows and such.

I wonder where Guzzle have a Thread like that at?

I seem to have lost my link I had saved for it and I can’t remember what it was called exactly… I’ll post it here if I find it again.

Show me the CARFAX. Give me the exact quote. Context matters a lot.
Besides, I imagine that yes they are “high elves” options, but they are also still void elves. With Forest Trolls and Sand Trolls you can change your troll to be one or the other with the skin tone. But that isn’t the case with void elves. Because even if you make your void elf look like a high elf they are still a void elf. Albeit a high elf that turned into a void elf. But still a void elf. That is the difference. Whatever race you were before is irrelevant as now you are a void thing through and through.

And lets not act like Blizzard doesn’t put in bad lore for the sake of gameplay all the time. Just look at void elves. If they wanted to put humans on the horde they can come up with an excuse.

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that actually makes sense tho. especially with the fogsail siding with the horde in the 4th war

but humans are already playable and far more relevant to the alliance as a race. same with high elves and the horde. the high elf kingdom and its armies are horde aligned and the alliance has 6 npcs last i counted and a fanfiction about a small group of dalaran elves whose entire reason to exist is to protect and serve dalaran, has 2 appearances over 15 years all in the context of dalaran, but according to those peole obsessed with legolas and humans, also secretly part of the alliance and fights for them all the time. its just not ever shown or something

Yeah my brother pointed it out after he saw my posts. I saw pictures of void elves having ear to ear beard options and showed it to him and he said “these were mods to change appearance” and proceeded to show me in game the actual options. Was upset at that point because I thought if void elves had them surely blood elves would get them soon. Stupid mmorpg designers (both in wow and ff14) not giving out good beard options for the pretty races >.<

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Well if we’re lucky, Blood Elves will get their beards and mustaches as separate options and maybe get some full beards similar to what the Dracthyr visage form has. Dracthyr visage form doesn’t have a lot of facial hair options but what they have looks good and would mix well with their existing options I think.

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how did you make those pictures?

I just went to Wowhead, took screenshots in the dressing room as I cycled through the facial hair options, then cropped them and stitched them together in my photo editor.

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