Void Elf w/ High Elf Skin Compromise Mockup

Expanding options is not the same as dilution; you can give Void Elves more HE looking skins and more “corrupted” looks at the same time. Creating an spectrum that extends the pendulum on both sides is solely a net gain for Void Elves as it literally expands their fantasy. You can have strong aesthetics that define a race, doesn’t mean you have to be limited by them, nor that variation within is inherently harmful.

As I said, this is presented specifically to allow some sort of playability for HE’s through VE. This is not about removing “the void” from VE’s, it’s about giving more choices, like the wildhammer and sand and forest troll skins do.


i dont get it either. the whole point of a void elf is that they were caught in a void explosion and it has had an effect. they survived their dabbling with a magic that corrupts the body and the mind if misused and it is supposed to define them. theyve ‘evolved’

High Elves at Theramore were killed. Ether A They are still around in the Swamp or B ether returned and survived in Dalaran or C well dead.

You don’t seem to care when the “other side people” use alts, though. Something that they do quite a lot.



Probably because nobody asked for that, maybe? When people asked for Void Elves they were asking for Alleria Void Elf archetype, not this nonsense we got.

It’s funny because with every other addition to the game they try to get closer as possible of what people asked, just look Death Knights and Demon Hunters, for instance, or just compare Zandalari old model from Pandaria and the new ones, they’re all pretty close to what people envisioned for them.

indeed, what they wanted was a blood elf playable on the alliance. this is as close as you will ever get

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Heck yeah more Elves!

Read the whole post before replying. Thank you!

Yawn. Why do people post this garbage as if it hasn’t already been refuted a million times already?


lol, from which example are you drawing from?
What would you know of it?
Who in this case are “other side people”? “Antis”, mirror people?

Never mind, you’re just slinging mud. You probably would have attacked me no matter what was said.

Why are you so sensitive? Was that your alt?

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That’s not my alt, but like some of you say, why that would matter anyway?

Oh sure, just sacrifice the aesthetics of an entire race so you can simply pretend like your playing a race that is available for the horde right now. Suuuuuuure.


I’m sure a lot of people would say a lot of things. You;re saying some of those things right now.

Look, to be frank I get you’re trying to push my buttons. I just don’t know how to respond to you. Whatever you’re saying…it’s a shade of ‘off’.

If they aren’t going to introduce High Elves as an allied race then mind as well add them into the Void Elves as a sub-race.

I keep saying, after seeing for real what the silver covenant is about, i don’t want them. They don’t respect any other elven race in the game, they have been doing dirty stuff and Vereesa is probably the worst windrunner character by far.

Void elves are cool, my only gripe with the purple color is that night elves are also purple, but you can’t have void and not be purple. Maybe the grey ink tones of the Sha and sha related stuff?


well we already have the race so we kind of do have them

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I hope so, I don’t expect them to add a third blood elf model into the game so this compromise would make me happy enough. With how many people desperately want these and how easy it would be to add them, it should’ve been done years ago.

Why do we keep seeing full capitulation enabling Alliance to play the exact blood elf model as Alliance framed as “compromise”?

“Just give us everything we are demanding and pretend you didn’t just give us everything we’ve been demanding all along.”

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its about the lore nua

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