Void Elf w/ High Elf Skin Compromise Mockup

A lazy option yes, but not one that removes from the theme of the Jungle Troll. The sub-tribes of troll are viewed in the same light and theme of: savage, tribal, dark mysticism. Adding tones for sand, forest and otherwise does not remove from that.

Adding to the VOIDELVES a theme of being non-void…makes no sense and removes from the theme. Your point holds no bearing.


Neither does yours. :joy: :joy: :joy:


No high elves. How many times.

Artist does good work tho.


A few hundred more. Better buckle in.

(Commentary): The High Elves and Void Elves are viewed in the same light of: outcasts from Quel’Thalas, Alliance loyalists.

(Commentary): Adding tones for High Elves does not remove from that.

(Commentary): Adding to the Darkspear Trolls a theme of being non-jungle trolls, makes no sense, and removes from their theme.

(Commentary): No one’s point holds bearing anymore. We either accept it or doom ourselves to disappointment.


Right, right, ok, I hear you. I see you, I’m picking up what you’re saying… but we can still give the void elves more skin tones and hair colours. :sweat_smile:


If your only reply to a rebuttal is to imitate and replace to make no sense, then you’re not worth it and clearly fit in well with the helfers.

I’ve added more than enough to this thread. Enjoy

They did. They very publicly said, “high elves are already in the game, and they’re in the horde.”


No. You might as well as just ask for blood elves. Fair skinned elves belong on the Horde.


No they didn’t.

And then later said that the blood elves evolved from high elves, meaning they’re distinctly different now.

It’s amazing that what he said the first time was really important to yall, but then the next time it’s like he never spoke at all.


Thank you for contributing! All discussion is good discussion, even when people disagree. :blush:



Strongly disagree.


You could probably be eating a 16 ounce kobe beef steak twice a day and still have enough money to put a dent in the US debt.


Because saying “the blood elves evolved out of the high elves” is like saying the Germans evolved out of the Prussians. It’s the same bloody people.


(Humor): And people say no one would play them.

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And yet this is a fantasy game so it’s totally plausible for something like this to happen, especially when there are fictional magical forces involved.


There was no magic involved in the blood elves “origin.” Kael’Thas quite literally just changed their name, and everyone rolled with it because they had bigger problems.


High Elves lack any redeeming quality to them

The silver covenant just did bad things so far, they don’t respect other alliance races.

Why do people want them again?

Void Elves are cool, they are humble, they’ve learned important lessons and i feel that they are a much better addition to the alliance than High Elves could ever be.


They are a lot like the Draenei. Draenei are still Eredar just a name change.

Only difference would be most of the Eredar are corrupted unlike BE which look like HE outside of the eyes.

Sure, and then the shenanigans with the Sunwell happened. Twice.

It was the lead dev of the game that said it my dude, maybe you should be taking your issue to him instead. And then when he says something you don’t agree with, you can safely ignore what he says, just like yall are doing now.

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