Yeah, but Undead aren’t of the Void.
I’m more into getting High Elf Paladins Alliance side.
Not really impossible considering there is precedent.
Keep in mind there is no lore source for, “People will explode.”
Even if you assume the titans are correct about how the twisting nether is formed doesn’t mean it works that way on a smaller scale.
Well, just remember, even though Void Elves are technically High Elves, at the end of the day, we’re still Void Infused. The only way a Paladin class could work for the Void Elves if the Paladin was “void based” for the Void Elves, which isn’t something that I don’t think the devs would look at any time soon.
Blizzard gave us the customizations so we can play High Elves. So not necessarily
Also, consider if regular High Elves join as Paladins. Thats how Night Elves got mages. Highborne joined. So pretty easy to spin.
Also Void Elf Discipline and Holy Priests.
Its fel and void magic not holy and void
Ok, so what does customizations have to do with adding a class?
Except, the Void Elves are Void Infused, no matter which way you look at it. So adding a Paladin wouldn’t work still, not unless the class was Void Based.
Technically speaking, and via lore, the Void Elves would be Shadow Priest, just like in the lore, Blood Elf Priest are Disc/Holy. Having the ability to play as Holy or Discipline on a Void Elf priest is game play reasons, not lore reasons.
Personal disagreement aside. This isn’t going to happen.
The current design philosophy they have picked up shows us that. They legit just made a race that can only be one class and a class that can only be one race. You’d be better off asking for a hairstyle or something lol.
High Elves aren’t void infused. Also, doesn’t really matter. Forsaken use Holy magic all the time.
Once again, there is only evidence for the twisting nether on a macro scale.
Also keep in mind Alleria ate a Dark Naaru. Which is way more powerful than your average Void Elf. A Naaru reignited the Sunwell. A Naaru gave the light to Blood Elves, the faction… and she only has pain being around Turalyon.
What do they not have to do with adding a class?
You can’t have this one both ways.
Either you can play a High Elf in WoW because the developers said you can… so then you can be paladins.
Or you have to be a void elf because thats how they appear in game. But they can be Holy Priests in game. So then you can be paladins.
Ion said he wasn’t against it.
Void elves should not be paladins. End of conversation. Ion did his job right as far as I’m concerned.
No, but with the cutomizations, at the end of the day, we’re still Void Elves. Even with the High Elven customizations.
But Forsaken are not infused with Void, or nor are of the Void.
Now you’re twisting it because you disagree with it. Gameplay Mechanics aren’t Lore Mechanics. Reason why Void Elves have access to play as Holy or Disc priest is purely gameplay Mechanic. Lorewise, they actually wouldn’t have this.
WoW : Interview exclusive de Ion Hazzikostas et Sara Wons au sujet du Patch 9.2 - Millenium
Millenium : “Are the Void Elves destined to be Paladins one day since they can now have the appearance of High Elves ?”
Ion Hazzikostas : “I think there are elements, besides their hair color, that would make Void Elves unpopular Paladins by their order. However, race/class associations are something the team at development is actively discussing. We’re getting lots of feedback, lots of requests, and while some combinations might seem more complex than others, we think anything is possible. So we don’t want to close the doors of a certain class to a given race. We don’t have anything to announce specifically for Eternity’s End, but it’s something we discuss a lot.”
WoW devs say they did the customizations on Void Elves so you can play a High Elf. Thats a lore mechanic not represented by a gameplay mechanic.
But that makes High Elf Paladins fine. High Elves are a lore mechanic.
You can’t have it both ways. If you’re arguing gameplay mechanics, which you are, you, “Have to be a void elf.” Even if the devs said otherwise. Well. Then. Void elvea can use the light.
You can’t have this argument both ways.
Thanks Allerio.
You need to know the difference between a Lore Mechanic and a Gameplay Mechanic.
I’d love to see Void wielding paladins.
I’d like to see paladin spell options corresponding to most all of the cosmic forces or other’s that make sense. Further customization of our characters is a good thing.
Void/fire/death/elune/arcane/fel and so on.
That’s usually what I want, paldins that wield the void. Warrior shadow priests.
Although I feel players should be able to pick whatever option they want to use but perhaps a race could come with a certain default or just let people pick which they want at character creation, options to change it via a small quest pledging loyalty to a different paladin order or through the barber shop.
Simaia and Lost Codex had a fantastic paladin class skin mock up. Only one I felt was missing was an arcane option as I think a Nightborne arcane wielding paladin would be awesome.
I’ve got a dark iron paladin I’d love to have fiery visuals for.
Class skins would be a great option for many classes.
According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?
This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.
From the Dev.
We’ve got customizations to play High Elves. Devs said it. Makes it a lore mechanic. =P
Everybody here insisting that you have to be a Void Elf are saying it because of a Gameplay Mechanic.
Well, Void Elves can be Holy Priests.
So if you’re insisting we go by a game mechanics. no issue. If you’re making a lore argument, no issue.
Keep on smackin’ that forehead.
It’s possible there are more features to come. I don’t think they discussed the new dks for allied races during the first SL video either.
The dark ranger stuff that was datamined also hasn’t been touched on yet.