One solution I always thought they could do is do like they do for DHs and DKs, when you choose Paladin you are limited to the natural skin skin colors, etc…
Thank you for taking the time to clarify your thinking around this in more depth, it’s appreciated.
I get what you mean in terms of them being to an extent physically altered by the Void. I just don’t think this equates to them losing their other identity, their High elven identity. Yes they are no longer ‘‘just High elves’’ . They are more than just High elves now. Just because they identify as Void elves now doesn’t mean they have ditched their High elven identity. It’s like having dual nationality, but one of them is your more prominent one now. Same way with the ‘‘Umbrican’’ Void elves, they are High elves by origin but identify better as Void elves now due to their connection to the Void.
That’s fair, but unfortunately we don’t have that much rigid lore to go by and there’re a lot of unanswered questions as I know you are aware. I have done some RP in WoW and what I realized in these interesting roleplays was that the story and in-game characters are enriched with life by the players themselves, as you also well put it earlier. We are the ones who will flesh out the lore and add the little details in it. And that’s also where lore implications begin to have great value. Because they give you a little footing to build upon the existing lore for your RPs.
You know, it may be better that way with all the cliffhangers and the lore implications because it gives us the power to choose our own story as you said. Should they soon decide to flesh out our lore but keep it as rigid as it is now, I’m afraid one of the two groups might feel left out and limited again. So whichever way they go, I’d really prefer for them to flesh out both the ways in which you infuse yourself with the Void since the accident, and also how some elves manage to remain uncorrupted. I’d also like to see them, after all these years, learn to harness the Void better of course and lead to being capable of being Void Knights of some sort and use the Void to heal, just like how shadow priests used to do with shadow mend.
I agree. It would be a wasted opportunity to not add void themed options in our next pass. I’m hoping for more hairstyles and voidy hair effects as well as tattoos and scars for both us and Blood elves.
Oh sure, what they identify as is not up for debate.
Only their physicality compared with high/blood elves. That’s what I mean by they’re not 1:1 comparisons with high/blood elves. Void elves just don’t match in that regard.
I got no problem with a void elf just calling themselves a high elf but that doesn’t come off as how it’s being used to me in these threads.
Oh man!
The lore implications and assumptions and where people have gone with them are amazing and I actually really love reading people’s ideas on that.
Those concepts do have value and people should enjoy and use them as they see fit.
Heck Fenelon here is technically an “Allerian” void elf. He followed a very similar path to her to become one. He only becomes a fully “Umbrician” infused void elf (he has obsidian skin and tentacles on his back) after he joins up with them and tried to see if he could recreate the process caused by the trap.
It’s immensely fun and invigorating to see how everyone views their own void elf and their story.
So long as their lore has the void actually a part of those groups stories that will be fine for me.
I don’t care much if there are High elf stories along with the void elf one. I just want the void elf one not to be buried beneath the other… If that makes sense.
And I do desire void elf flavored class additions. Paladin, shaman and druid. At the same time I won’t be immensely bothered if they don’t.
I’m only concerned void elves will be forgotten with the addition of new classes. We’ve been mostly forgotten so far.
Void knights would be amazing and not just for void elves.
Aye. That would be swell.
I know some would wish for blood elves to go first but realistically blizzard seems more likely to be to do both at the same time if they’re going to.
They did do with Dark Rangers.
Ultimately we’ll just have to wait. I don’t think anyone is going to see more customizations in DF. At least not early in it.
Maybe not for you hehe. But for me.
If a Naaru, when weakened, can succumb to the Void, why can’t a Paladin, infused with the Light, also have their Light essence succumb to Void?
I mean I don’t really see why not but by the same token I don’t think Paladins work that way in general.
Naaru have that happen as a part of what they are, it doesn’t mean that all void and light based creatures have that same duality nor does it mean that those using those powers would either.
Again though like… Also why not? lol
To be fair though, think of all the unique art made for high elves when those were the push to get on Alliance side and what did Blizzard do? Just give copy paste from what Blood Elves have (though ofc some new options like the blue / purple eye tints).
So basically what I mean is if the team is going to take the relatively quick and efficient approach then there’s not a need for players themselves to request more than that.
Would it be nice if they added a Void Paladin? Yes.
Do I think they’ll just let VE be the same ol Paladin that every current race is? Absolutely.
And none of the above is any fault of the players as clearly if we could have them be more differentiated that would be celebrated.
We pretty much have to expect the “bare minimum” but be hopeful with requests.
Also if people are discussing “the work” that goes into adding a class to a race then Paladin is an easy ask to Void Elves because again, it’s already on Blood Elves.
We already know VE and BE are literally same skeleton/model whatever you wanna call it as when they fixed things like duck lips or bow shooting animations on one race it also affected the other.
So from an actual logistical stand point it would take more work to add Paladin to NE , KT, and Gnomes as they have no reference point.
There’s more too it than just a simple copy/paste when it comes to proliferating classes. The devs have made it a point to say that lore issues matter to them and they want address those issues instead of just flipping a switch to allow a class.
In the case of Void Elves getting the Paladin class, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have void themed abilities by default, with some NPC dialogue explaining just what these “Paladin-esque” void wielders are. If the devs are feeling kind, they might include an option to customize the color back to the default “Light” theme, but then again they might not.
But even beyond things like lore and recolored abilities, there’s other things that need addressing, such as new Paladin mount assets, Shaman totems, Druid forms, etc. I can’t say for certain what Blizzard will do if Void Elves actually do get Paladins, but I’m willing to bet real money that it’s not going to be as simple as flipping the “this race can be a Paladin” switch, and a mount copy/paste.
If the Void Elf Paladin happens, I won’t be shocked if they have Void colored spells, and no option to change the color. And if Blizzard does decide to be generous and give an option to change the color, anyone who’s looking for that “Alliance High Elf Paladin” fantasy should be darn well grateful and realize how fortunate they are.
Of course they can, but a Naaru that’s fallen the Void doesn’t become a Void Naaru that can also use the Light. It loses its connection to the Light and replaces it with Void.
Void elf paladins. lmao
Again, I was commenting on the earlier topic where people were discussing about the actual logistics of adding a class to a race that didn’t have access to it anymore, not from a lore point.
Also I’m pretty sure Holinka was talking about lore in the sense that Druids have very specific art forms, Shaman have unique totem art, Paladins have their unique mounts - aka there are more art assets to be created.
He speaks very plainly about how “not all the classes have the same kind of content requirements” and explains a bit more using even a Warlock as an example if I remember correctly.
But I think like you stated earlier you’re looking at it from the worst case scenario and hoping for the best.
I’m looking at it from a more pragmatic viewpoint. No one can argue earnestly that VE and BE don’t share the same model and that giving additions to one or the other makes it easier to access vice versa.
Like I imagine VE DHs will probably be one of the first classes added to VE compared to say Shaman, but it will probably require them to do a similar thing to how the allied races become DKs in that they were given a new “starter zone opening” and not simply plopped in with their other class counterparts.
I think in any case, unless it becomes the introduction of a new class spell cosmetics feature, it’s far more unlikely that one specific generic race (VEs are generic in sense of being a Thalassian model) isn’t going to have completely new art assets for one class.
That would upset far more of the playerbase than the scarce few here if no other class/race combo could change the look of their spells or even have a unique look to their spells if a choice isn’t given.
Like I said earlier, players here are coming up with far more stringent requirements than what Blizzard themselves have stated and what Blizzard themselves have released when it’s came to adding up more options to players.
EDIT: Yup just watched the Holinka interview again and he does include Warlocks in the same breath as Paladins for why those haven’t been immediately released to all races yet.
He explains more that while they won’t just flip the switch with these other classes (he states Paladins and Warlocks specifically) they’d like to make them more grounded in the universe. He then continues to say they have Racial chargers (Paladin), Racial totems (Shamans), Druid forms.
He says it’ll take a while to open those things up but they’re gonna keep moving in that direction.
It’s also important to keep in mind that Ion has already commented on Void Elf Paladins specifically as well and he stated while it would be more complex of an add than others, they believe anything is possible. So they don’t want close the doors of a certain class to a certain race.
Now I don’t know about you Nico but Ion said something very similar about the doors not being closed on High Elves to Alliance either and now we’re at a state of the game where they are available for all intents and purposes.
They’re demons. They just respawn in the nether.
Sadly, it is what is going to happen. Customization wise, I have little faith in Blizzard, honestly, not because they are unable to deliver, because they have the talent to do it.
But because with how much we had to wait for Worgen/Goblin redesign or a patch of customization which had to even be sold as an expansion feature.
Nope. It will never make sense unless it is heavily race themed and they don’t even use the light but that isn’t what people here want.
Don’t think anyone has any faith in Blizzard in general with many things.
Game wise, got no faith in Blizzard because they just keep on shifting the goal post and disappointing everyone after building up hype for something.
It’d be my main if they’d allow us to have them or just make a Void Knight class
This is where I am coming from. I’m not willing to declare “X will definitely happen!” just to have it turn out to “not happen”, or at least “not happen with 11.0”. I just want to urge others to reign in their expectations.
Hence why I am taking them at their word every step of the way. The reason Holinka prefaced the whole response at the beginning is because he knows the majority of players would be like “well why isn’t X class available on my favorite Y race yet?”
But that he reiterates that’s the direction they want to keep moving forward pretty much says it all: race will eventually not dictate what classes are available to select.
Taking his entire response in context and not just a few snippets is what leads me to believe “yeah it’ll happen someday.”
And this isn’t you, but I’m not surprised if there are some that may think his words are platitudes, I mean people said the same for when high elf customizations were asked for on Alliance.
The nicest thing imo is you just have to make a request known and Blizzard to acknowledge it - because that means they’re confirming receipt of what you’re asking.