Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

I think the biggest problem with all this, for you, for me, for all of us, is because Blizzard really did screw up big time with the Void Elves and there introduction, that the lore is just so little and has no detailed explanation.


There is something to be said about that for sure.

Honestly still not sure why they didn’t just make them come from some enclave of high elves or the SC. Would have alleviated a lot of the issues people didn’t like at first.

And as was being discussed on the discord last night, being locked so wholly into the void limits them. Its cool, but I wish they’d have expanded their lore initially to give them more wiggle room. Explain what our warriors are and how they operate. Do they use the void?

How about our rogues? Priests? Heck our Hunters? We really only see much with the mages and they use voidified spells we don’t have access to.

More information from the get go and more stories would have helped immensely.


Subtlety Rogues for certain use shadow magic which could be considered void magic for the purposes of Void Elves. Blizzard is still a bit vague on what difference, if any, there is between shadow and void. Shadow Priest talents imply that shadow and void may be interchangeable terms as to what type of magic they are talking about.

I do think it would be cool if I could have as single racial glyph to make all my mage spells look voidy though! Especially if it changes the names and icons of my spells! So instead of Arcane Blast and Arcane Explosion, it’s Void Blast and Void Explosion, with recolored icons and visual effects. For Fire and Frost the names might need to be fancier since Fireball becoming Void Ball doesn’t sound particularly cool, but Void Flame does! Or they could just leave the names the same and just gimme recolored icons and visual effects like Warlock green fire. I’d be happy with that.

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I don’t think it would’ve mattered where they come from, because the lore would’ve all still been the same. And this was all to be originally added as a compromise to all the High Elves request.

Don’t get me wrong, the Void Elves would’ve been a very good concept and compromise, if done correctly, but they weren’t. When you think about it, compaired to the other Allied Races, the lore to unlocking them did not suit them. Nor did the reputation when it was a requirement. And they weren’t even heard off until they were introduced either.

Then continuing on with BfA, it was the same thing. There was a good oppitunity to expand upon the lore for the Void Elves with patch 8.3, but nope. It was treated like the Void Elves didn’t exist, except for Alleria in the Visions.

So, whether they added Void Elves from the SC or from the Blood Elves, it wouldn’t off mattered much, because it would’ve still been the same thing with the lore. Blizzard would’ve been better to actually add the original High Elves that Alliance were requesting for in the first place, and not some compromise that failed so badly.


Oh yeah I know. Those are easy shoe ins but I mean like the lore for void elves specifically in these classes. I’d expect them to be a little more indepth on their Void use.

Also I think Blizzard did say that Shadow and Void were the same thing. Ones just a lighter use of the power where it generally won’t corrupt you.

Class Skin for mages would be sweet as well.

Rather than a glyph I’d think this would be a class skin setup. I think the difference between a glyph and a class skin is that a Class skin is going to cover a whole class where a glyph only changes one spell.

Honestly all AR’s should have just been story unlocks and not tied to any reputations. They shouldn’t have been rewards they should have just been added races once you reached that story point.

I’d quibble on this. I’d have been much less likely to come back for instance. I think the void elf concept is entirely worth it on its own. Inspired in fact. They just failed to do much with it

Overall though I think Blizzard misinterpreted how their player base that was requesting high elves would react. I do think truly that if they were a part of the SC or some other enclave of High Elves that stumbled into the trap things would have been better for many. I used to see their coming from Blood Elves being complained about all the time in the earlier days.


That’s actually a really good idea. Might apply to other classes like a corrupted shaman theme like the boss in SoO for shaman. :thinking:

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Oh, :100: and then should’ve been moved to a feet of strength achievement for unlocking them and made unlocked for everyone, regardless at the end of BfA.

Pretty much. I’m not against the idea of expanding upon Void Elves, but it seems Blizzard doesn’t want too, and it is unlikely we’re ever going to see another Void related patch in the near future.

Well, yes, and no. I can’t really speak for anyone else except myself on this, because I would’ve rather had the SC left untouched and them made playable for the Alliance, but that is just my own view. Some may think differently than I am, and some may think differently to the both of us. I think it is more of the person to this mostly.

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I agree with everything you said, but I don’t think anyone is going to use “race” as a means to identify cultural groups, especially if they’ve been assimilated into other cultures. A more RL example is the USA assimilating various cultures of people, but they’re still “American.” They’ve adopted the cultural values that make Americans such, I.e value of individualism, civic duties/patriotism (due diligence when voting etc.) But if Someone said a person who was European/African/etc. is “different,” because they now live in the USA and they somehow lost all those roots they were raised with, i’d beg to differ.


Yeah, I’d probably push for unique graphical differences for races of certain classes but I don’t think they could effectively implement another class name without it causing confusion or complications. But I like the idea of unique visuals.

I admittedly think it was fairly aggressive since it turns out that poster and the people they quoted are actually in the same belief after some conversation with each other. :sparkles: We both really like the idea of themed classes.

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I’ll just leave this here for those that claim: “A Paladin would never side with the Void”


isn’t this already a warlock skill?

the bestest slap im the face

Sacrificed Pet? That isn’t eating the minions.

Ima shut up now.

Void Elf: “Say what you will about the tenets of the void–at least it’s an ethos.”

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Void elf paladins would look so good in the RF Radiant Lightbringer set. It was practically made for them.

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I’ve been saying this since day 1
come on people lets band together to make this happen.

they already look great in it, you can get the non class plate.

Yea but It’d look so weird for a Void elf using Holy Paladin magic, now if they had a class skin that replaced all animations with void effects. well That’d just be swell.