Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

Also based on Auric.

The point is its as much as an assumption you made in your list.

Neutral organization under the neutral Kingdom of Dalaran.

The ones who seemed to themselves almost to the point of being neutral but alliance leaning?

There’s a few Horde quest hubs like that iirc too isn’t there?

Why wouldn’t they?

You’re saying they would be becoming Void Elves only? Seems an awful big assumption on your part as well, but that was my point, you’re making assumptions. I simply wanted to also share where and how I could do the same.

You mean Dalaran was involved?

It was the Horde- BEs.
The Alliance- NEs
Dalaran- utilizing their military organization the SC which Dalaran is neutral as I pointed out

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Yep. High Elf apologists always try to point to those as “proof” but it’s not really of any significance since there are real lore characters of a class that their race cannot be and their race still isn’t said class and by comparison high elves have no lore characters at all with paladin lore.

I mean if were going by the lore all undead should be killed by the light. So no forsaken priests. After all every single undead unit in wc3 including the death knight could be killed/damaged by the paladin heroes holy light.

Aka, agreed give us void elf pallies so i can finally go back to my home, The Alliance. XD.


I am making little to no assumptions, this is based more off npc dialog where if they aren’t stating Alliance support are at the very least hostile to the horde or expressing disdain for the blood elves.

if they are so neutral then WHY pray tell are they far more often then not showing on the alliance side of major Alliance vs Horde conflicts?

Alliance only quest hubs? It’s fair to say . . . unless your saying you don’t consider the Revantusk forest trolls to be a Horde race . . . are you?

no, I am not saying their only either becoming blood elves or void elves, many are more then likely remaining high elves in this case . . . this is not a case where one day the high elves will cease as a race and all known high elf npcs are either going to become blood elves or void elves.

ooooooh added another point here . . . this was more a case of Dalaran AND ALL KNOWN ELVEN SUBTYPES at the time

Horde being represented by the blood elves
Alliance being represented by both night elves AND high elves
and Dalaran being there to ensure we didn’t KILL EACHOTHER WHILST TRYING TO LIBERATE SURAMAR. (cause ya know we tend to do that to each other)


Blood Elves are High Elves.

So they can just be in Quel’thalas siding w their people in their kingdom. Lanesh has been w us since MOP so far all we know they’ve been returning for quite some time. What ever few are left as BEs are the main population of High Elves.

Dalaran wasn’t there representing the Alliance.

The Horde was there, the Night Elves were there.

The Silver Cov High Elves are an organization under Dalaran.

Unless you’re now making the case Dalaran isn’t neutral?


Yes. Then as soon as EE procs the character explodes and is deleted.


While the silver covenant are tied abit to dalaran, its not as strongly as their ties to the alliance.

Affiliation : Kirin Tor (Kirin Tor Offensive) Magocracy of Dalaran, Alliance, 7th Legion, Unseen Path

If it came down to it they would side with the alliance. Even more so now that alleria is back and her sister vareesa is the leader of the SC.

Edit: as stated in the following link they provided military assistance to the alliance during the siege of ogrimmar, which shows they can and will aid the alliance.


Void elves are also high elves mate . . . high elves are also high elves and can just be high elves without having to change their name or fel even choose a side.

did I SAY Dalaran was representing the Alliance? No, I said they were there to prevent us from killing each other on the nightborne’s doorstep.

what I DID in fact say is that the Alliance was represented by the night elves AND HIGH ELVES who were standing beside the night elves . . . just because the kirin tor has high elf members doesn’t mean every the silver covenant are just a branch of the kirin tor.
Also way to ignore my other statements regarding the covenant . . . geeze at this point you are either trolling or choosing to ignore and high elf presence that goes against this “all high elves rejoined Silvermoon” narrative you have.


Tied a bit to Dalaran? They formed in Dalaran.


Yes and they have helped the alliance in a military campaign against a horde capital.


The poster earlier was speaking of assumptions

So what we do know is the SC is a military organization of Dalaran and Dalaran is neutral.

The HEs of the SC were there but that doesn’t make them Alliance they are a part of Dalaran.

Which you admit was there. That was them.

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When was that?

The one ballista outside Orgrimmar at the end of BFA?

The Alliance fought besides Horde rebels as well does that make the Horde rebels Alliance now too?

Or perhaps once again Dalarans presence was involved in a situation where all of Azeroth stands together.


There’s one fatal flaw with that.
It would require effort.



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That’d work great for Lightforged Draenie too, with Shadowform giving mechanically identical abilities with different holy-visuals. :slight_smile:


Theres also these to show they have chosen the alliance over the horde.

Since the battlemasters of Wintergrasp were members of the Covenant, the group may have led the efforts of the Alliance to take the battleground.

Most of the high elf mages in the 7th Legion are faction-tagged as part of the Silver Covenant.

Before the end of the Fourth War, the Silver Covenant provided military support to the Alliance during the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar. This is the earlier refrence and granted sylvannas had to go down, but it was the alliance that got them in. Still this can be seen as neutral, others not so much.

All from the lore wiki.


This has nothing to do with the topic but I just noticed you posted and was thinking omfg and wanted to say I love you sister because I totally do so. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


If you mean Orgrimmar you are wildly twisting what happened. I mean Sylv’s siblings were there. But no one, neutral, alliance, or otherwise ended up attacking Orgrimmar because Sylv was challenged by Saurfang and then left.

But yes, sure, the one ballista scored major victories that day for the silver covenant whose great numbers (all one of them) fought bravely, even if all they fought was frustration at having lugged that one ballista all the way there only to not even get a chance to use it. Their sacrifice for the alliance has been noted.


Naughtymoon you’re really one of the sweetest posters in every thread.

Whether we agree or disagree I always value your input and posts :dracthyr_heart:

I can’t believe people are trying to claim unaligned and neutral groups of High Elves but apparently the only side making assumptions is the side that points out they could be returning to their people and Kingdom under the Blood Elf banner.

But I’m glad I saw your post in the middle of all the other convo I had to comment. :sob:


. . . YOU are making assumptions, big ones at that.

. . . we’re just gonna ignore the times the Silver Covenant either fought as an Alliance force or were the Alliance representation in something? Fel they were the reason the Alliance was involved in the revamped Zul’aman dungeon.

. . . oh I see whats going on here . . . the amount of mental gymnastics your doing here is kind of obscene . . . and folk claim high elf fans are the only ones who do that . . .

edit: well either that or your a VERY dedicated troll . . . I could buy either or at this point.

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