Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

I love that concept there.

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Well now this they’re on point with that’s nice


Night Elf Paladins should have been a thing. If not at the end of Legion then they should have been added with the Night Warrior.


Everything makes sense. There are alien and goblin shamans. Everyone should be able to play their favorite combos. Period. Blizzard is just stingy with fun and there, for some lame reason, is a large group of pathetic players that don’t want certain content to exist for others to enjoy because… ::gasp:: … lore. I hope you get your VE paladins just like I’d want others to root for undead paladins and bringing back the shirvallah cosmetic form.


Alien? Who? Orcs? Draenei? You know elementals exist everywhere not jut Azeroth right? And honestly orcs are the strongest shamans there have ever been because they learned shamanism on a planet whose elementals lived in harmony.

I think he is talking about the space goats

Definitely, between the Legion returning in full force and being nearly driven to extinction, the Night Warrior and even their Renewal arc could have produced the class tastefully.


I miss Legion so much, my all time favorite expansion.


I mean they can always circle back and make excuses for those last justifications for classes too.

There’s nothing set in stone that’s why certain people seem so frantic to push the VE Paladin concept. It could be first patch of this expansion, it could 3 expansions down the road, we could get almost all classes opened up just for them to make excuses for those final ones they deem too much and fall back on some sort of “we reached our goal of opening most classes up”.

I still find it important to discern who is after a legitimate class skin. And who is a trying to slip a Trojan horse HE idea w regular Paladin side by side next to that class skin. And who wants the former but will give their stamp of approval to the latter.

Night Elf paladins I’ve supported though I hope they get done.

What do you think of the NE paladins Brae

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And why certain people seem so frantic to push back against the VE Paladin Concept. :wink:

I still find it important to discern who is after a legitimate class skin. And who is a trying to slip a Trojan horse HE idea w regular Paladin side by side next to that class skin.

All class skin requests are “legitimate.” None of us has the authority to declare some requests as “legitimate” and some requests as “not legitimate.”

Disclaimer: I have no skin in this game. I don’t care about the Paladin class for Void Elves. If it happens or doesn’t happen, makes no difference to me. I’m quite happy with my Paladins as the races they are.


Who made this thread?


Not I, not anyone of the voices in opposition.

Why would opposition be frantic what’s to be frantic about Nico I am playing on the playable high elf race on my Paladin :hugs:

A non void class skin to Paladin being pushed to VEs isn’t a class skin. That’s a regular Paladin request.

Well I doubt you popped in because you particularly missed any of the opposing voices on the issue so I would say I’m inclined to not believe this statement


I don’t know why Blizzard hasn’t look at more class skins, something similar with the Warlocks Green Fire quest.


This is fair.

Though after saying all classes for all races I do hope they don’t go back on it… Just one more lie on the pile for me.

For me if they don’t in the end its fine. I still have my velf warrior for the Rift Blade concept, and right now my main is actually a Paladin so… Not a big deal for me.

If they do though I very much want the lore and attachment of the paladin class to be void focused. Regardless of if they allow the “high elf” version with the light or not.

At this point what’s been done to Void Elves has been done. They’re three separate races in one whether I like it or not. I won’t be able to stop it nor do I see the point.

It won’t affect my enjoyment of void elves.

Or blood elves for that matter.

Honestly think I want this more than velf pallies all told. Though I’ve wanted nelf pally since Cata.


It’s not for me to claim what someone else wants or why.

I’ll tend to myself.

I’ve heard tell they were oddly against the person who put it in in the first place. Might just be more of Blizzards seeming hatred of class and race lore.


Wouldn’t surprise me, with how bad they’ve made the classes these days in comparison to what they were like from Vanilla to WoD.

No not this.

Because what’s being discussed isn’t to tell others their request isn’t valid.

It’s quite simple a Void class skin of a Paladin is a class skin.

A regular light themed paladin request is not a class skin. Now its someones request sure, the same group of people who’ve been appeased more than enough but its someones request I acknowledge that.

But what it’s not is a class skin. You’re telling me a regular paladin is now a class skin? Please be serious


Not me. If fact I think the OP of this topic made it just to troll and start the inevitable back and forth between helfers and antis. I mean the OP hasn’t responded once since making the topic. Which just confirms that it was bait.

The opposition is frantic because the last thing they want is to see is Light wielding Void Elf Paladins using regular skin tones and hair colors. :slight_smile: If they weren’t frantic, they wouldn’t show up in every single thread that mentions the idea to object. I’m curious if the opposition here would be just as passionate and vocal if the topic were about Orc Paladins instead. Something tells me the answer would be “not so much”. Not to say there wouldn’t be any opposition, just that it wouldn’t be all of the same people here, and certainly wouldn’t be so ardent.

A non void class skin to Paladin being pushed to VEs isn’t a class skin. That’s a regular Paladin request.

Technically speaking, if class skins ever happen (and I am not convinced they ever will, or that every class will actually get proliferated to every race), then while the “regular” Paladin would be the original, and “default” skin for most races, it would become one of many visual options for the Paladin class.

Well I doubt you popped in because you particularly missed any of the opposing voices on the issue so I would say I’m inclined to not believe this statement

You can believe what you like. :slight_smile: If you go back through this thread I haven’t posted at all in it until now. And I posted specifically because of the spin you tried to serve. Trying to demonize requests for a specific class skin by calling it a “trojan horse” will not go past these eyes unnoticed or unanswered.

The reason why someone requests a class skin is irrelevant and does nothing to affect the legitimacy of the request. Are some people making a specific class skin request to create a specific fantasy for their character? Absolutely. And… there’s nothing wrong with that! There are as many reasons for a request as there are people making them. One is just as legitimate as another.



Blood Elves are High Elves so as far as I’m concerned anyone anti Blood Elf which would be anyone who’s advocated for things to the detriment of BEs falls into the anti category.

You seem to have your own concept though lol.

A “light themed” High Elf paladin request trying to be tacked onto the request for a void class skin of paladin is a trojan horse. I stand by it, I’ll say it again in future threads too more than likely.


Seriously? This again?

EDIT: Wait, what is the point of replying to you when you chose to ignore me to push your own agenda on the gatekeeping.



I only know of paladins despising undead.

And if then. That’s an order of paladins. Not some magic cosmic force causing anyone to use the moniker paladin to have a set of monolith of personalities and beliefs.


Your opinion is noted.

A “light themed” High Elf paladin request trying to be tacked onto the request for a void class skin of paladin is a trojan horse. I stand by it, I’ll say it again in future threads too more than likely.

You can say it all you like, but it doesn’t make it true.

The fact remains that Void Elves have “High Elf Customization” options intended to allow players to portray an Alliance High Elf if desired. And if the Paladin class does make it to Void Elves, and players want to make an “Alliance High Elf Paladin” using such options and a “light themed” class skin, there’s nothing wrong with that, nor is it trying to “sneak” it through with other class skins.

There’s nothing Trojan Horse about it. It’s a flat out blatant request to allow Void Elves using “High Elf Customization” to fulfill their Alliance High Elf Paladin fantasy (assuming the class ever actually makes it to Void Elves which I am doubtful will actually happen).

I personally don’t need this fantasy fulfilled, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with, and nothing deceptive about, requests for it.