Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

ok, I’m just gonna put this here, allot of ppl seems to confuse lightforged as light infused, they are more then that, they are literally remade by the light. I do think more work needs to be done for them, as I think they would be accepting other alliance races among their ranks for example.

Umbric literally says they are a different being.

I would imagine that being infused with holy light would be slightly different than the ritual the void elves went through. They were being physically transformed into void beings but it was interrupted.

I do think they need to give something more to Lightforged Draenei to show that they’re actually a different race of Draenei. Especially with the whole paladin infused with light thing because being a paladin infused with light DOESN’T change their race. I think we need a bit more clarity there with how it works.

People throw scientific definitions around in sci-fi often enough that it contradicts its organization. There isn’t anything within that ritual or otherwise that suggests this makes them a different race.

In truth, they were most likely added as “Allied races” because you can’t have two same ID’s in game for “Race.” For lack of better words “race” is more definitive in its terminology for “group,” than its scientific meaning, which doesn’t really blend well. But English also has an issue with homophones too.

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I’d disagree there due to the inconsistency.

Draenei Lightforged went through a “Ritual” as well. They are still Draenei no matter what way you cut it. It didn’t change their genetic composition at all. Like wise, Void elves were not changed genetically.

This is why it isn’t a racial difference. Other wise you would be arguing race RL is real because someone has darker skin, and different hair tones, eye colors etc.

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What do you mean by inconsistency?

Lore specifically stated in the past that Tauren could not be Rogues cause “reasons.” I guess you wouldn’t know this since you are probably a gen 8 player who never played Classic. Lore claimed a lot of reasons why classes were specific to races. Which now…doesn’t matter. So how was my comment wrong or you just want to argue a stop sign reads stop?

You’re rebranding the definition of Subspecies aka race, to mean something it isn’t based on physical characteristics, that isn’t the case.

You state:

Which is contradictory. That is one of many.

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Well, no. That’s how it happened. The void elves were attempting to do a ritual but then it was a trap and they were being transformed into void beings. The ritual was interrupted and the transformation was stopped midway through.

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No it didn’t. The Grimtotem has always had rogues and sorcerers.

They officially joined the Horde in Cata.

There’s no physical difference between a Thunder Bluff and Grimtotem tauren.

I don’t know why this matters since you can read all the lore of WoW online but I’ve been playing since 29 Nov 2004. You can see that from my achievements. You could have checked first to look a lot less silly.

So being infused with light doesn’t change someone, but being infused with void does? There are two standards set and no consistency or organization in thought here.

Why would it be true in one case and not the other, despite it meeting your literally explanation of “Physical differences”?

Your argument isn’t coherent.


Give Void Elf a Void Paladin skin. Meaning they can select Paladin with the exact same gameplay but all abilities are void themed. Otherwise the light would just cleanse them and then you may very well play a belf as that is what they would be turned into again.


They weren’t infused with void though. They were being transformed into void beings and it was STOPPED halfway through the transformation. That’s quite different.

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Duh the grimtotem were not player characters and not faction with Cairne. Cairne’s Tauren were not rogues for their own lore reasons. Which is YOU btw. You’re a Cairne Tauren. I’m ignoring you honestly. I don’t care about this “debate.” Go back and forth with yourself.

Except for the process involved in that case was literally void infusion, messy, but equal.



It wouldn’t matter, because they were transformed irrespective of what magic was used. Whether arcane, death, light, shadow whatever. It doesn’t change the process of gaining an affinity for that school of magic.

By your definition every class that has been slightly changed by magic is a separate race, which means Illidan is a demon, not a night elf.


Like I said:

Also, you said:

YOU said “tauren” and there’s “tauren” NPCs in game that prove you wrong.

Nice edit and this translate to “damn I have no rebuttable so I’m going to run away with my tail between my legs.”

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putting on big nerd goggles

“aktschually” illidan is neither nelf nor demon. At least that they said in the lore ages ago. Hes something “different”.


WoW isn’t just a sci-fi though lol.

Doubtful with the unique AR’s existing against that theory and the class restrictions between the AR’s and the parent races.

Ummm… no… they where changed, remade I should say. It’s just that the light tries to preserve the original more-so then the void would. Light corruption is more of making things preserve then the void, which is why light corrupted worlds is said to transform into crystal masses.

No to void skin for paladins.

I mean cross faction play is here anyways…

Ummm… in lore and I beleive in game, they are stated to actually be demons…

Im just giving one option. Im against Void Elfs gaining access to Paladins because of their lore. But if they wanna enable all classes for all races then a void themed paladin would get my seal of approval.

“cross faction”. Call me the moment i can join a horde guild with my alliance toons. Otherwise its worthless to me.


There’s a difference between being infused by something and being changed physically by something.

A paladin being infused with the light doesn’t make him a different race. But that’s not what we’re talking about. What the void elves went through was an actual physical process where their bodies were changed and transformed.

A paladins body does not physically transform when infused with light.