Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

That’s not what we’re talking about so i’m not sure what you mean?

Void elves are genetically different than blood elves and high elves.

If they were the same, they would not be banned from Silvermoon.

Thus you missed my point entirely.

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Your trying to use racism as an arguement I presum.

They’re all the same race.

Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race.

Void Elves are a new race of Elf.

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There is nothing that points to biological differences between high blood and void elves, the most I’ll give anyone is the different blood color but that’s easily pointed to the infusion of void.

We don’t argue that lightforged draenei and regular Draenei are different races because lightforged are in fact infused with light.

Just say the silent part out loud: you just don’t like the alliance having elves :man_shrugging:


Then why can’t they be near the Sunwell like a Blood Elf or High Elf? If they were no different, they would be able to be near it, just fine.

and nice try but I have a void elf main on Proudmoore :slight_smile:

I’m just stating that void elves are NOT the same as a High/Blood Elf.

No, I’m only pointing out the argument being used here, its not relevant. Gene expression is not the same as the genome. Genes can express themselves in various ways, as seen with the various races in the game. The common ancestor is trolls. Despite their physical differences (expression) they’re relatively the same, same DNA. Same can be said for all elves. The differences aren’t significant enough.

Some humans RL are allergic to sea food, are they less human because of it? Not really.

So we’re just bad at reading then huh?

So YOU tell ME, how magic infusion = Different race.

Infusion of magic doesn’t make you an entirely different race unless you’re absolutely flooded and transformed by it, such as Trolls into Night Elves. Night Elves into Naga, etc.

Which is not the case for Void Elves, they would look like Old God minions if this were true.

They are, you’re in-fact wrong. Sorry.


I mean if being void infused makes them a different race, then paladins should be a race by themselves. Lol.

Big misconception is all paladins being infused by light, the simple fact is they are warrior priests, it’s hilarious for people to spout that every single paladin that ever existed went through a ceremony to be “infused” by light, this is false.

You’re telling me early into the order of the Silver Hand they had the Know-how to be infusing every paladin they recruited with light? No.


They literally grew tentacles as a result of a botched ritual and are constantly whispered to by the void…

How do they NOT look like old god minions?


And Still look very much like Elves, and in case you haven’t noticed, not all Void Elves are forced with tentacles, even before the customization update, Alleria has 0 tentacles and is the most infused with void out of anyone.

I’d say you were right if Void Elves flat out turned into a Tentacle, they did not.

Because they didn’t go from Blood Elf into Naga, they turned purple and grew tiny hair tentacles.

You want a different race based on magic infusion, that’s your bar, and Void Elves slide right under it.

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Wow, way to move that goal post!

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The bar was already there sweet heart, you’re too far up your own nose to recognize it. :kissing_heart:

Alleria existing destroyed your argument before you even created that classic toon. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You should go rewatch that whole scene with the botched ritual and then you’ll understand that they went through an actual, physical and not just magical, change.

But whatever, keep ignoring lore and actual things that happened in the game.

What does that have to do with anything?

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Oh yeah, such a drastic change, turning blue and growing one or two tentacles, an entirely different race for sure.

How about you go look at Warbringers: Azshara, THAT is what infusion of magic into a different race looks like.

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There is at best one physical characteristic difference between a Blood and High Elf.

Eye colors. And even that is eroding away again just as Blizzard said it would. It was not a change to their species.

That is literally the only physical difference between the two. High Elves and Blood Elves are exactly the same thing.

Now culturally and politically those groups have veered from one another clearly.

Void Elves have literal blue skin, their hair has obviously been changed, have BLUE blood and in many cases tentacles growing from their bodies usually around their head.

There is no way that Void Elves have not become something else than a high elf. They’re just not the same anymore and to pretend that they are is just really odd to me.

Now some folk seem to think that if they admit that they can’t play their void elf as a high elf and really that idiocy just needs to stop. Blizzard gave us those options so players can make those determinations for themselves regardless of what we see in the lore. Your void elf have Allerian looks and skin and hair but is still a void elf!? Great. Your void elf have natural skin and hair and is a high elf? Great! Your high elf is studying the void and infusing themselves but isn’t physically any different. Good on you.

High Elves and Blood Elves have literally no change between them physically.

Void Elves and Blood/High Elves very definitely do. They’re not physically the same thing.

These semantic battles are ridiculous.


Chad energy

To state this as an entirely different race is nothing but obtuse, Blizzard did not have a “different race” in mind when they create Void ELVES, they speak of nothing but their shared history with Blood and High Elves.

You can say they’re different, every allied race shares that with their parent race, to say they’re an entirely different thing is ridiculous.


I’ve no bull in that argument, I just find it funny that there isn’t consistency.

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