Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

You keep using this as a basis and it’s funny because it’s a brand new built from the ground Core Race that’s being added for the new xpac to get people to play them, they deserve all of the customization attention they are getting.

As for the others you listed, I disagree I’d put races like Kul Tiran, Dark Irons, Vulpera, Tauren, etc. even before Blood Elves despite maining one because I actually want other races that really need it to get attention where you and others are just like Void Elves, Void Elves, Void Elves, as if it’s not good enough to get three sets of customizations when everyone else has gotten one or none.


Reminds me of the racial armor. What happen to that? A handful got them and then the whole thing puttered out.


Seems kind of pointless now that they’re going to homogenize the “any race any class” idea which by default is an extension of their unique lore and preferences. But many decisions were made in those 8 years that are questionable.

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i did qualify by saying everybody.


You also put Void Elves first which isn’t a surprise, I didn’t even list Blood Elves as one of mine that should get stuff despite thinking we should because Void Elves have gotten almost all of our customizations, there’s a difference as I said in my post above I want races that actually need stuff to get attention you just want more Void Elf stuff.


if they are going to take away my shadowmend and shinning force and gut priest to death for pvp then give me void elf paladins already


Still so annoyed about that.


I mean, why didn’t you? Its not wrong to want something for your own race/class/etc. too while wish the same treatment for others. It would still be a surplus for those races to achieve the same outcome of new improvements.

If VE have a numeric value of 8
other races might have 2, 4,5 etc.

But say VE want 10 options, well just give the others 8, 6,5 additional cosmetics giving them more than the 2 additional cosmetics a VE would have, I don’t see issue with that personally. But if we were to ignore VE entirely and provide 8,6,5 to all other races and ignore the VE’s that would only create more envy and hostility imo.


Basically this.

All races should be brought up to the Dracthyrs new standards.


Because I know other races actually need customization time more, it would be disingenuous to act like Blood Elves need more before the races I listed it’s really as simple as that thus why I find people that say Void Elves are lacking to be insincere.


Void Elves should get a fourth customization pass when all races are on their third ready for their fourth as well.

Not take a fourth pass when most races need a second and other races need a third to be on the same state VEs are at receiving new options.

You’re trying to distribute the rest of the coffee equally while ignoring who’s already had an unequal portion.


you have had this same attitude towards velfs any time we received a customization. so its not the amount thats the issue for you, its the similarity to blood elves. behold, the drachtyr, usable by either faction is using the male thalassian also and will have like 80 more customizations than velfs. but you’re harping on me for wanting hairstyles


Well what I’m saying is that its okay to still provide them something and to provide what others lack to compensate.

IF the goal is to give every race 10 Comsetic options, you just give them the amount needed to reach 10, but it doesn’t ignore anyone’s cosmetic options because all would reach the same amount of 10, no matter whether they have 9 options or 1 option or even 0. They would all be compensated and equal 10 at the end. So they wouldn’t be ignored.


I have actually been a very strong support of Void Elves getting void based customizations but people like you didn’t like it because it wasn’t blonde hair and blue eyes it was pink hair and glowy skintones so that’s a you problem not a me problem.

As they should, they are a brand new Core Race for the xpac, as I said earlier they deserve all the customization they are getting, you are salty there isn’t a female Thalassian model it’s a Human female model instead and I can link the quotes to back that up as well.


I think the pendulum method is pretty bad and toxic for the game/community generally. We see it in every expansion. Rather than making all relatively in the same sphere of quality you end up with skewed FOTM type stuff, and similarly with cosmetics and other aspects.

I’d rather just compensate the ones who are lacking and giving everyone the same amount of options rather than just pendulum swinging it every 2-8 years.


my eyes are purple, my hair is white and i have a tentacle in my pony tail.


I rather like you friend.

I’d also like this. So many are lacking and need to be brought up to par. But par I find lacking as is. Blizzard dropped the ball in so many ways with customization.

Everyone needs far far more.


oh you bet. if alliance males get male thalassians, why not alliance females get female thalassians


I really hope this is something where the Dracthyr are like the test run for new systems like how their hair works, and that it’ll be coming to others later.