OH yeah boy do we know that to be true. Blizzard doesn’t do well with fair treatment, personal bias or data always influences their creative design and decision making. Its become more of a profit based model than one driven by passion and care.
Just speaking my mind. I guess we’ll see how things pan out.
Because Blizzard decided female is Human female and male is Blood Elf male, deal with it, I’m glad we are getting what we are getting because both models look great with the customizations and people will play whichever they prefer I support it highly.
If you are trying to get me to say Void Elves need more stuff it’s not gonna happen so you are wasting your time and your effort because I don’t agree, I put races that actually need things first because I realize if and when they make new customizations they only dedicate a certain amount of time to them and so the ones that actually need it should come first.
Then you should be able to acknowledge that Void Elves have gotten new customizations with eye colors, hair colors, skintones and even the Dark Ranger stuff therefore they should go to the back of the line while races like Kul Tiran, Dark Iron Dwaves, Vulpera, etc. get new stuff first because they need new stuff.
So what is wrong with providing EVERYONE with something new, and all having the same amount of customizations in end result. If all races end up with 10 customizations (figurative number, can be any amount) I don’t see the issue. Every group would receive comparatively more than the group with the closest amount.
if Void elves had 9, then 10-9=1 new customization.
If trolls had 2, then 10-2=8 new customizations.
So on and so forth.
Who is being left out? Its simple math and no one is left out in the cold and alienated.
Once everyone is at the point to be on their fourth customization pass I agree with you.
But trying to ignore that VEs are already ahead of everyone else including their parent race which wasn’t even able to retain their own visual uniqueness, is a disservice. To varying degrees more to some than others but a disservice all the same.
Again my stance is when everyone is on their fourth customization pass I think it’s fair to start doing what that poster is talking about but I think it’s a rather as of now disingenuous way to try to brush the fact VEs are ahead, talking about let’s bring everyone up at the same time when to them that’s their fourth pass and to others it’d be barely their first, second or third.
This tbh. Ignoring the fact no one but them are on their fourth pass but trying to get more at the same time as people not on a fourth pass is disingenuous imo. I don’t see any problem w having everyone be on their fourth pass before continuing though, like what’s the issue VEs can’t be left out of any passes? Everyone else has been.
In his setup they would still have to come first, I know you are all about Void Elf stuff and you keep liking his posts but seriously you Void Elfers and High Elfers really are something else.
They would all be given the same amount at the same time. I don’t see the issue. Whether it is done first or last, doesn’t change the result of being released in the same patch.
I’ll start adding them to my list, I know they didn’t get a lot in their customization pass like Tauren so I’ll put it like Kul Tiran, Dark Iron Dwarves, Vulpera, Tauren and Pandaren from here on out.
I got it and that’s never going to be how it works, you can all try and pretend like Blizzard is going to give equal attention to each race but you know as well as I do they won’t do that or they would have already by now so you are just being completely disingenuous.
I mean, we’re not disingenuous, you’re acting as if Blizzard listens to their consumer base, which puts your suggestions in our boat too by default.
We aren’t saying Blizzard Will do this, we know they won’t do anything either of us are saying even though we disagree. We are suggesting what they ought to do.