I mean, people make flying leaps of logic (to support their preferred narrative bias) off of all sorts of incidental objects or characters that could have multiple explanations.
Especially on this topic.
Just look at the above argument on “Where are the high elves who call themselves high elves now” for further edification.
They’re an old faction in Dalaran and as they have connections to Blood elves they’re a bit friendlier to the Horde. The SC is the reactionary faction created to be lazy and give the Alliance a magic elf faction to be like their Sunreavers rather than come up with some Alliance friendly faction that fits into the history of Dalaran with its own story so they made a horde bad faction.
Also, how is it wrong to say that as part of the Kirin Tor they are covered by the KT’s policy of neutrality but that they want to change the KT to be an alliance group again. Also, when you say when the war breaks out they help the Alliance is that when Jaina went all dictator and aligned the KT with the Alliance for a bit all on her lonesome?
I mean most of that stuff was created then. But the Sunreavers come out of a family with a long presence in the city, so not just a group that sprang up over night like the SC.
Under the command of one of the archmages of the city.
You know I’m not saying that the SC has no opinion on the faction conflict and that they are definitely pro-alliance. Just that as part of the Kirin Tor they have to follow KT neutrality when acting on their behalf (also the purge would be internal Dalaran politics) Like in real life you can have soldiers of a nation’s army serving as part of UN peacekeeping forces. While that nation’s military may have it’s own allies and enemies when serving as peacekeepers they have to use the UN’s rules at that time, even if their nation’s representatives are in the process of trying to sway the UN to change their policies?
You’re the one who started it up after I said I didn’t want to get into it and just deal with the mystery machine.
And I can get this way over points, I think it’s a big part of the SC that they’re trying to influence the KT to take a side, and keeping it an internal politics thing and not an outside group trying to influence the KT.
Honestly, I am actually quite disappointed with that. When you look at the amount of customizations that they have just for being a brand new race compared to the amount of customizations on already some of the existing races…
Everyone should have an equal amount of customizations. DI Dwarves, Kul Tiran, Mechagnome, Zandalari Trolls, Vulpera and Mag’har haven’t got anything since they were added.