Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

Some of them would be a bit more work than others: paladins come with chargers, unique animation sets (demon hunters especially), totems, and of course, forms for druids (and demon hunters to some extent).

I’m sort of agnostic on all races, all classes, in general, and don’t personally feel any real interest in void elf paladins.

But more class flavor would be nice.

I always feel a bit uncomfortable hanging out with all the other paladins on my beloved Zanda-din.

Just make a blood elf pally. Why are you even making this post?

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That’s because they all worship some vague Light while your Zandalari worships the mighty Loa!

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The small squad you mean?

Even w the implications of more elves being interested in Void Elves or studying the void becoming VEs what ever.

You still have to make the case based on the argument you’re going w that within that Light adjacent Thalassians are choosing the void. When Blood Elves are right there, and we know from Lanesh whose first appearance is in MOP that High Elves could have been returning home for quite some time. So why would they choose the non light affiliated option?

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And he is both taller and more magnificent than all those wee paladins who don’t get to talk to dinosaur gods.

that question is for the devs, as i have no idea

They know where their bread and butter is. Blood elves and void elves are popular. While i support giving dwarf females massive customization, it doesnt give the same hype as void/blood elves

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dont post at me with yer exclusive bat girl class.


show off hehe

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But it’s not because you don’t have Paladins on the void option.

So the question is for you who presented a certain argument for Paladins

You stated this. As in you were trying to say that within this context light adjacent elves were within those groups.

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How do you presume that when VEs don’t have the Paladin class as is.

So to be clear you’re not even asking for a class skin? You’re flat out trying to make the connection that light affiliated Thalassian Elves are choosing to become Void Elves.

I’m asking where the logic is behind that sentiment is all. That is what I am trying to find out.


I don’t make the rules. I play every class. This is just what My forum posts as. I don’t care.

i theorize the devs included non - voided thalassians at the rift as students, as a route to make void elves more of a club and less of an exclusive class

Right but to argue for paladins you’re saying within that group they’re attracting light adjacent elves.

Why would light adjacent elves be seeking the void? They can return home to Blood Elves, or if they are Blood Elves I doubt the light affiliated elves are the ones seeking out VEs either.


Arator is still hanging out with a void elf, so there’s some precedent there.

Well, until Blizzard gives him a new model, anyway.

(Spoilers: More customizations would make me even happier than more race/class combos.)

The only straw grasping is treating that as proof of anything.


So where is your proof then that they’re a neutral faction? Because you’ve sure got a lot of work to counter things like the purging of Dalaran

Ironic that you make a “I want to believe” meme when you’re the one fighting so hard against lore and ingame events

this is the part i dont even have a decent theory for, other than curiosity or to understand the source (have to understand it to form defenses against it). pondering the life span of a naaru, perhaps paladin void elves start off as light based and as they level they become void and their holy light becomes shadow. interesting idea

My personal opinion is that they’re an faction in a neutral organization that is trying to push them to take a side. As they are part of the Kirin Tor they need to act neutrally to stay out of trouble with them, at least until they can convince them otherwise.

My main point is that the stupid ballista is just there. There’s no SC personnel there to man it, there’s no mention of them being there, it’s just a random thing sitting there without any explanation. And that it baffles me how some people have their own headcanon about how this one art asset proves so many things that it really doesn’t prove.


Is incorrect. The Silver Covenant was specifically formed to keep the Horde, not both factions, the Horde, in line in Dalaran, and when war breaks out it’s the Alliance that they help

There’s a reason the Sunreavers exist: they are the Silver Covenant equivalent for the Horde in Dalaran. If the Silver Covenant were a neutral faction then the Sunreavers would have no reason to exist