Void elf or Worgen hunter?

So I am having a dilemma. I have pulled my old Worgen hunter out of retirement and have been playing it a lot lately. I also have been thinking on purchasing a race change and changing the Worgen to a void elf.

Oh what to do… what are some of your opinions on void elf over a Worgen. Let’s hear it.


Would you be looking at doing Marksmanship a lot? You wouldn’t need the Preternatural Calm racial otherwise.

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Currently running beast mastery.

I would probably go for velf, unless they updated the racials for balance. Worgen just doesn’t have good racials for Hunter.

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Worgen! Definitely for Survival. The extra Sprint is awesome, the melee animations are fantastic, and you look ferocious!

For MM, I like humans the best, although VE bow animations are very nice.

BM Worgen with two wolves, or Zandalari with two Dino’s. :smile:


I would stick with Worgen for 1% crit.

To be honest, the racials are mostly very close. It’s also funny seeing Blood Elf 1% crit > Worgen 1% crit in 5 out of 6 bloodmallet sims (by spec and by fight type). Velf marginally beats 1% crit for MM, but Worgen is marginally ahead for BM. Again talking about 0.25% (~100 dps out of 42k) difference.

VElfs get a race only pet .www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=warpstalker_void

Want to stand out then go with VElf.

Would you get it when using a race change though? Seems there is no where you can find this in the game besides starting with it or am I wrong?

Also with the 1% crit. It isn’t very much but it is one of the things that is stopping me from changing to the void elf…

I am so close to just doing it.

Yes, if you start as a VElf then change to a Worgen you will still have the pet. I think race only pets were added just to encourage this.

You would not get the Void Elf starting pet if you race change to a Void Elf. You have to start a new one to have the pet. Warp Stalkers aren’t a good pet though at the moment so it doesn’t matter much.

You start as a Velf then switch, as long as you start as one you keep the pet.

Pets are all about the same now, so just pick the one you like.

If you read the OP they pulled out their Worgen Hunter and are contemplating race changing to Void Elf. Doing so would prevent them from having the starting Void Elf pet as they weren’t a Void Elf to begin with.

Also, while pet damage is normalized, their abilities are NOT equal.

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Okay, that is why they need to start as a Velf then race change, thought that was cleared up? Warp are Cunning , but still do same DPs as Ferocity or Tenacity. If you want best then get a Clefthoof, or just play the pet you want.

As you can see, the OP’s Hunter is a Worgen. They want to race change TO a Void Elf. Doing so would prevent them from having the Warp Stalker ON THAT HUNTER.

Then what you do is START A NEW CHARACTER, not that hard of an idea.

Of course. that is not what is being disputed. The dispute is whether race changing from a Worgen to a Void Elf, as the OP was asking, would allow the use to the Void Elf starting pet on the old Worgen.

You already expressed that, so my answer was if they wanted the uniqueness of Velf’s pet then they could start a new character.

You gave an answer and I gave them a solution.

Void elf looks better worgen has better racials.



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I really think that if Blizz wants that pet to have a unique skin only for Void elves, they should add a portal to the starting zone for void elves only (no idea if they do this already) and have them roaming the area ready to be tamed.