Void elf or Worgen hunter?

Just to clear up any confusion for anyone else reading this thread: the void warp stalker, the Void Elf starter pet is only available to new void elf hunters. There are no opportunities to tame this pet in the game, not even the mobs in the void elf starting area that look exactly like them, as those as classified as abominations, not beasts.

That also means that if your void elf abandons the void warp stalker, you cannot get it back.

This same rule also applies to the Nightborne Elves’ starting pet, which is the only manasaber that is not a spirit beast. This also applies to the starter pets of mechagnomes and vulpera.

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Same thing for Kultirans and DI dwarves too. Both have unique and exclusive starter pets. A beautiful spotted hawk for Kultirans and a brown-fiery dog for DI dwarves.

I think stay worgen, to help keep memories intake, if you take my meaning.

I recently had the same dilemma. Finally figured out that velf was better for the simple fact that worgen is best for a Druid and I don’t like duplicate race/genders. Also mogs on a worgen are borked.

been thinking about doing a race change from a dwarf to a worgen, mainly for the shadow resistance.

good idea?

I’ve been liking the worgens racial when I play survival hunter, it’s not much but it’s at least felt like it helped out when trying to make/keep distance with other players.

Also I’m biased and think worgens make cooler hunters.

Memory intake(the ability to receive new memories) or memories INTACT?

Ya intact, sorry, I usually type faster than my brain

Good, because REPLICANTS aren’t exactly a thing yet with the exception of King Mechagon’s mechagnomes. Replicants have their implanted memories intact, but they can’t intake new ones.

Dang all these little nitpicky this is 1% better than that. Just pick the race you like. Pick what looks best, this game is about looks.

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This is a two-year-old thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hunters are masters at playing dead to just pop back up alive and pew pew pewing again.