Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I think we’ve seen this twice; once in WoD with K’ara, who was injured when the Genedar crashed into Draenor and turned void, and later Velen sacrificed himself to turn her back to light form, and then in Legion with Saraka/S’aara, who had been a Naaru that had become a Void God, and the priest Conclave turned her back to her light form.

I think Alleria’s interaction with the Sunwell is more to demonstrate how relatively easily the naaru cycle can be jumpstarted; the Sunwell itself was created out of the remains of the voided M’uuru, cleansed by Velen, so being exposed to Void opened the possibility of being voided again. I think that is clear that, specially with naaru, the shift between Light and Void can be manipulated by Void and light users, which has a lot of potential.

I think that the existence of the cycle can serve to explain how mortals can be able to manipulate those cosmic forces into the other.

I do think I rather be optimistic, otherwise there’s no point even discussing lore if we’re just afraid how it might go to the crapper.


So do you think new void elves could be made by voiding out the Sunwell?


Hypothetically speaking, I don’t think a Voided Sunwell would instantly turn any elves connected to it into Void Elves. Much like when Kel’thuzad’s rebirth tainted the Sunwell, it’s more likely they would cut themselves from it somehow, they would have the time if we go with how long Kael took in destroying the Sunwell back then.

Otherwise, a Voided Sunwell could create new Void Elves, but in as much as any sufficient Void source can, as we have seen Alleria become one by eating a Voided Naaru, and Umbric’s group being exposed to a voidification ritual.

Honestly I think there should be far simpler ways to become a Void Elf than through a Voided Sunwell.

Isn’t Twilight like the Void?

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In one of the wiki I found this description:

Twilight is the light from the sky between full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night. When regarding to World of Warcraft lore, twilight magic seems to be a combination of Light and Shadow. Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in existence. Although contradictory by their very nature, they are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other.

And if taken into account the description of what we know of the Old Gods in that Wiki:

Old Gods are the physical manifestations of the Void and are described as necrophotic symbiotes — symbiotes of, from, or relating to, dead light.

Yes, Twilight refers to a type of magic used by [priests]. It is a [multi-school], combining Holy and Shadow [schools]. And it can be use by the Void followers.

I believe just as “Shadowflame” this magic has a history that we have yet to explore in the Lore of WoW, but I would speculate that this is the magic use by Shadow Priest mostly to heal themselves and damage their foes at the same time…
One of those spell we had access to at some point was Premonition a PvP Discipline Priest talent…

Example of what I (IMO) suspect were NPC Masters of the Twilight Magic School as a High Priest and Hightlord Paladin are:

- Archbishop Benedictus the Twilight father we fought in Cata
- Tyrant Velhari a fallen Vindicator in WoD

Maybe in a future expansion we might get more information on this School of Magic or its origin like we are getting in DF now in 10.1 with Shadowflame, but for now that is all I can find in the wikies… not sure if the books have more info on this though.

NOTE: Who knows if maybe the real reason why the Old Gods turn on Xal’atath and seal her in that dagger was because she was not like them and instead she being a full Void Old God, she was a “Twilight Old God” and they fear her and what her mix nature could bring?

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There’s no good reason for Void Elves to not be able to be paladins. They have the same upbringing as blood elves, are the same people before their political split and return to the alliance.
Void elves can use holy magic, they can be holy priests, and regardless, holy and void can be mixed- just ask any discipline priest!
The main reason paladin hasn’t been extended to more races is the need to create a new paladin steed for each, which is a resource cost. Blizz hired about 100 new artists 1.5 years ago, so they will be able to create more things like this.
We’ll see void elf paladins eventually, and i can’t wait to race change to one.


Agreed, heck (IMO) I say Discipline priest should be FULL re-work to Twilight users instead the weird mix with Shadow and Light spells they have! :exploding_head:
However that just my bias opinion so CMs in these forums, can totally ignore that bit! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m sure a lot of players would not be happy if Disc Spec suddenly change to a new Twilight theme spec out of the blue! lol :sweat_smile:

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For those saying it makes no sense, just do what Blizz does for DKs and DHs, and when you make a Void Elf Paladin, it locks you into only the High Elf customization options.


The second we got paladins empowered by a magic dinosaur is the moment none of this mattered anymore. The seal is broken, let all the demons out of the jar and get it over with.

Templars of the Blessed Theropod.


That’s entirely gameplay, much like how undead can be holy priests even though in-world it causes them physical pain.

The main issue I take with void elf paladins is that you’re watering down the limits imposed by directly taking in the void (doing so raises the question of why they made VEs void-touched in the first place) while also breaking rules established by the cosmology. You can’t establish rules and then break them the moment they become inconvenient. That’s a staple of bad writing.

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This is merely based upon your opinion, otherwise you’d would have posted the Blizzard posts.

I still wish they’d had a little more care when originally setting this stuff up and made Light and Shadow the same cosmic sphere opposite Void and Darkness.
Shadow can’t exist except in the presence of the light, so being an aspect of it makes a lot of sense…could have done neat story stuff with it too. Twilight magic being an aspect of the cosmic light power and different from anything void users wield.

Then you’ve got Void and Darkness which are both the absence of something or everything.

In the current setup, it would make sense for Disc to be a partial void user as commanding those powers without losing yourself to them would require a lot of willpower and discipline :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see why not. Heck it’d have been an interesting way to go ages ago had they made Retribution more of a void user and essentially what happens if a shadow priest got all armored up.

I’d like to see the whole class skin thing added for all the classes but especially paladins and go hard into making options for all the cosmic forces and any others that make sense. There’s so many options that’d make great customization options in that manner.
My suggestion is to have certain races have a certain skin as default but all have the ability to change it, or just let players pick it upon character creation and have a barbershop or a small quest line to switch.

I’d really dislike that. I want to see void elf paladins that wield the void, but if someone wants to make more of a high elf version that wields the light, let them. Or any other cosmic power made available to wield.

I still wish they’d have made high elves their own allied race or do a big overhaul of the character customization and do better support for subraces and such with more voice sets and such.

I still say a Prelate of Bwonsamdi that wields death magic would be a great paladin option for Zandalari as well. Could just have a Maldraxxus magic themed death spell option and dress your Zandalari appropriately and say you serve ol’ Bwon.

Then someone could do the same on their human character and make something similar to Alexandros in Maldraxxus.

Sounds pretty fitting for them though. My shadowpriest causes herself pain as she’s fighting enemies as well, more so when she forgets to shield herself :stuck_out_tongue:

How so?
Do you mean having a void elf wielding the light? Sure. But embracing the void and wielding it in a similar manner makes all sorts of sense.
For game play mechanics and letting people make the character they want, I wouldn’t put restrictions in place since they crammed both races of elves into a single “race”.
Now if they divided them out into proper separate allied races, I’d be fine with it. It’s what should have been done from the beginning anyway.
I wouldn’t expect a lightforged to have the option to wield the void, in that case you’d make a normal draenei and choose it.

I also think in those instances having the option to change subraces via the barbershop would be a good addition.

I think my main issue regarding my confusion on how a ‘Void’ Elf is able to utilize the Light is that one of the biggest cutscenes with Alleria, a Void Elf, had such a catastrophic reaction when she got near the Sunwell.

Even the Naaru’s Void and Light cycle suggest only one or the other can exist at a specific time. So it’s hard to say, especially with WoWs integrity to canon, how a Void Elf Holy Priest or a Lightforged Shadow Priest can exist.

Big reason we need the class skins.
Let them have the gameplay and mechanics but slap a void theme over the top.
Same for the LF shadowpriest, make them a light wielding damage dealer.
So many neat things could be done just changing up the spell effects.

Although I still wouldn’t put restrictions unless the high elves are separated out into their own properly done race. Players should still be able to make the character they want and as long as the high elves are part of the void elf option, then a light wielding “void” elf paladin/priest needs to be an option.

I’d prefer it be handled right and separated out and the restrictions put in place but adding the option to swap subraces via barbershop.

I just don’t expect it with the way some things have been handled like the dark ranger. Instead of doing something impressive they just tossed a skin our way.


Uh, have you been playing this game for the last 20 years?


Yes, that is literally the meaning of “I imagine”.


No, it’s pointing out your agenda.





So it’s pretty much confirmed.

I so want void elf and night elf paladins.


The question is when? Maybe they’ll slowly release the different class/race combos in the .5 or .7 patches. Although I am guessing for the bulk of them that require new assets, pally, druid, and shammy, those would be released in a prepatch.