Yea, a race that was designed with that in mind. Bit of a difference there sorry.
You insinuate that Blood Elves ARE High Elves right? But they’re Horde only, so we should all just buck up and play Horde.
If Pandas on either faction are both Pandas, then on the same logic, they could easily let Blood/High Elves in their original forms be available to play for the Alliance and Horde both. Thus making High/Blood Elf Alliance Paladins possible. Also, just because Blood Elves were originally designed in 2007 to be on the Horde, who’s to say they can’t easily allow them on Alliance at this point? It is 2023 now!
Us obviously honey <3 Let the Elf people have fun.
Im saying that anyone still trying to get “high elves” as a separate race to what is already available are just still upset with were they took the narrative in TBC.
As far as im concerned, another elf race is redundant no matter how you try to spin it.
Void elves are also high elves. Plus theyre on the alliance.
Youre posting on an alliance high elf
If you think about it, it wouldn’t be hard for Blizzard to unlock “High Elves” on the Alliance. They basically would just copy/paste the Belf race over.
And boom done.
I think people automatically go “let us have cool new races” when people ask for more Elves, but at this point, we have so many choices, and I’m sure we’re getting more allied races coming as it is.
I would race change to a High Elf under the Silver Covenant faction if I could.
And im someone who would see this as a lazy addition to the Alliance, especially since what you described is already available under void elves.
Less bland copy paste races and more unique looking races, drakthyr are a good start but even then id say that they could of been implemented better.
Besides. High Elves have been helping the Alliance since classic and the Silver Covenant exists.
Heck, like nearly all the Dragons out there and their aspects choose to be High Elf.
Yet we cannot be High Elf.
I agree with you. It is lazy. But people would love it.
Then when everyone is playing their Elves, people that like unique races will get them and they can play those and feel unique. I think more choices for players is always a good thing.
I have a feeling we’re going to get Tuskarr and Gnolls as races. The new Gnoll models look amazing (and pretty cute too).
You say less bland yet I guarantee that if High Elves were made playable they would easily outnumber all player Pandaren.
Sometimes the majority don’t want Pandas. They want the superior High Elves.
Yeah. I’d love to be under Vareesa’s leadership, and the Void Elves would be under her sister Alleria’s. It would be nice lore. Also the High Elves as a major faction appear in the game as late as Legion during the Suramar campaign.
And sometimes we shouldn’t always cater to the supposed “majority”.
Makes all the other races not some variant of human or elf feel like second class citizens.
The demands for more from Void/High Elf players seem to be without end.
You can’t really gatekeep what players want to play though. You’re fine and dandy playing a Pandaren. And that’s wonderful. Panda people are cute. I just personally love the Elf lore and always have.
If “High” Elves were in the Alliance, you wouldn’t even think about it because they’d blend in with the Void Elf players anyway.
Yeah you’re right people do really want them. And we are pretty passionate about it.
I recognize other races should get more customization options and stuff first. There’s some races that are super lacking. I understand the anger from players that feel like Elves are always taken care of. So yeah, definitely enhance the customization of other races before High Elves become a thing, but I hope they do become a thing for Alliance one day,
Id think about it.
Not because of the race itself. But for the race we could have gotten instead.
Blizzard doesnt add races every other day (not since bfa at least). If the alliance got non void high elves as a stand alone race, then it would be in place of something that could have been cool and unique.
Their addition would bring nothing to the faction (or the game as a whole) that void elves do not already.
I thought maybe they could let us “cleanse” the void from our Void Elves after creating them (or make void infusion a choice on creation). And then that would change our racial title to “High” Elf, and make our racial abilities Arcane-like.
Not sure how that would work out but eh. It wouldn’t take a race slot lol.
All races all classes. Maybe voker/dh exception.