Void Elf or High Elf alliance paladins?

I do that as well for my Void Elf Holy Priest. I simply just play her as a High Elf. My Void Elf Affliction Warlock on the other hand is 2nd gen Void Elf with normal skin but tentacle hair and void eyes.


Void elves will never touch the light. Forget about your paladin.


I totally forgot this, but you’re correct.

I’m kind of tackling Void Elf Holy Priests as then using “Spears of Light” As for Lightforged Shadow Priests… eh, hm. Well Shadow Priests cloak themselves in darkness which seems external so, I guess something like the “Light within the Darkness” sort of deal. Shadow/Void Form on the outside, Inner light of the Lightforged on the inside.
Alternatively we could look at the Naaru and their life cycle going from Light to Dark back to Light again.


Love seeing peoples concepts for those sorts of things.

I have a draenei rogue who uses the Light to conceal himself. Like active camouflage in games like halo. Refracts the light around them.

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Except mine are little better then bad fanfic levels of writing.

Pfft. Who cares. Its your toon enjoy yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I find most folk who self-deprecate tend to have very much better than average stories.


I wasn’t talking to you. You can clearly see who I was replying to at the top right of my post.

I simply work with what I’m given.

That’s so true lol… where the dance studio at!?

How about “no”.

“High Elf” is not an Alliance race, and was one for less that the entirety of the storyline of Warcraft II. If you want to play a “High Elf” Paladin, we’ve been available for sixteen years, on the Horde.

Void Elves are, naturally, unable to command the Light, being intrinsically connected to its opposing fundamental force.

Ground work was laid in Legion for the possibility of Night Elf Paladins, if the Alliance really needs another race for the class.


I think w Alliance having the sought after Elf Druid combo and Horde having the sought after Elf Paladin combo that if Alliance gets Elf Paladin specifically I hope it’s NEs the core race, that Blood Elves the core race on Horde get Druid tied to story w healing the land in Quel’thalas


Why would anyone want a ridiculous puny elf when you can be a cool worgen?

Well I mean at the end of the day it’s a fantasy mmorpg and the freedom to be what you want feels good. Just like you being able to play worgen makes you happy, that’s where those that wanted the none tainted High Elf’s apart of there faction as a playable race. Since in today standards we have few versions of the original high elf that have different tweaked appearance, political followings etc. high elf, void elf and blood elf is almost more of a culture difference at this point.


Void elves were genetically transformed due to a botched ritual when Nether-Prince Durzaan (I think) tried to turn them into void creatues. It was interrupted halfway through resulting in a not-full transformation and they became void elves. So it’s cultural differences between Blood Elves and High Elves but Void Elves are something new and would be considered twice removed high elves.

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Too many elves as is, but yes Blizzard should make playable high elves, along with frost dwarves, furbolg, jinyu, hozen, taunka, ogres, etc.

If it’s a member race of the faction, it should be playable.


Right so practically void elves evolved from Blood Elves from a freak ritual which was probably for the best since who wants to be a demonic fel sucking toad.

100% brother, I wanted Ogres, Jinyu and even those buffed looking cat race from WoD they reminded me of Rengar from League.

That at least according to Blizzard is not how it works.

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Steve Danuser

So if a void elf like Alleria still considers herself a high elf, she is still one. Similarly:

I’m confused. Are you a dragon or a vulpera?

Well, that is a curious question.
Can a person only be a single thing? I have not found that to be true.
**In fact, I have found it far more likely for one to be many things simultaneously.**You, I can tell, are far more than just a or just a .And I am more than just a dragon. Well, I am still a drake technically…
But you see me now in my chosen visage: a vulpera. And I hope that, in time, you will see the rest of me as well.
I am far more than “just an” anything.


Ummm According to blizzard that IS how it works. Void Elves became void elves through a botched ritual. It’s literally the story in the game. Did you not see the scenario where this happens or?

Alleria is not the same type of void elves as the other void elves. She absorbed a Naaru and became what she became through entirely different means. So while she does find kinship with the void elves.

Alleria isn’t even allowed in Quel’thalas anymore because of the reaction she causes witht he Sunwell. Void elves are not compatible with the sunwell.

Not to mention we’re on what the 9th expansion in the wow series now?

Anything is still possible going forward and a lot of smaller faction and stories are still to be told.

Haha It’s only time in till blizzard runs out of ideas or keeps adding more allied races and even potentially sub classes to keep the fans happy.

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