Void Elf jump twirl

I noticed my Void Elf no longer does her little twirly jump I've jumped hundreds of times, but alas no spin, no twirl.

I'm sad.
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Can confirm, this is an issue on beta as well, I really hope it's a bug and not intended. Please bring the twirl back!
What the? This is one of those sad bugs you worry about getting forgotten.
Bump -- can we get this addressed?
Please please please tell me this is a bug. I'm seriously depressed about this.
Yeah I noticed that as well. I took it over to MMO-champion and apparently male void elves still spin but the females do not. I really hope this gets resolved. I miss her spinning so much.
I submitted a web ticket and Blizz got back to me, but they said they logged in and could see the twirl, and gave the usual steps for cleaning the installation. I told them that I can reproduce the issue from Live, Beta, and even a fresh install on a completely different computer, and other people have reported it in this thread.

Hopefully their QA and devs will look into it soon. If you care about this issue, please file a bug report using the in-game tool! I think they're more likely to take notice if more people report it!
This is an unmitigated disaster! Please fix my lack of twirl blizz!
Both of my female void elves have stopped doing the twirl jump.
That twirl is so satisying, I really hope this doesn't go overlooked
I noticed this and couldn't be sure if it's intended or just a bug.

I wondered if it's for symmetry between factions. Do Nightborne elves jump-flip like Night Elves do?

God, I really hope this is not on purpose. I'd really love that twirl jump that Blood Elves do.
After reading this i noticed my VE has stopped twirling as well,the twirling made me feel kinda like a gymnast.
Not only is the twirl gone, but the beginning of the female VE jump animation no longer seamlessly transitions from the previous animation, almost like it's resetting every time you jump.

I've tested this on a female blood elf alt and their animations are still working (twirl included).
Velfs aren't Belfs any more. You shouldn't be doing pirouette jumps. Nor front-flips, you're not Nelfs either.

They should program your models to do barrel rolls.
Read on another post that they removed the special jumps for void elves, similar to how the Nightborne don't have a special jump.

I guess it is intended. You aren't technically blood elves any longer, nor the nightborne to that of night elves. Seems like it's intended.
I swear if they removed the Night Elf front flip I'd probably lose my mind, literally since I'm super OCD. I feel you.
Please fix!

I haven't unlocked them yet but they don't have the jump anymore?
I am so T_______T
Hey Blizz, I realize you've been kind of busy this week with much bigger bugs to squash, but it would be really awesome if we could at least get some confirmation that this is going to get looked at!
08/03/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Kiekö
Read on another post that they removed the special jumps for void elves, similar to how the Nightborne don't have a special jump.

I guess it is intended. You aren't technically blood elves any longer, nor the nightborne to that of night elves. Seems like it's intended.

Definitely not the case. Tested this with a Transmorphic Tincture (swaps genders for 5 mins) and male VE still has the twirl jump.