Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Those models are not in the opposite faction, for sure.


Because Alleria was nostalgia-bait for WC2 fans, and now we are nostalgic.


You’ve already got the skin tones and think Blood Elves getting customization that makes sense for our visual theme was the tipping point?

No it was appeasing your crowd as you put it that has brought visual distinction to the place it’s at and no that doesn’t mean they should continue to give you everything you ask for at the expense of BE visual distinction.

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And Alleria is not their leader. Umbric is.

Alleria is a mentor.

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They probably will though, because we are persistent.


So are Blood Elf fans and you’ve already been given a huge compromise twice.

So in the case of two persistent conflicting requests who do they listen to?

The people they have yet appeased on the issue should be given some thought and that wouldn’t be your crowd as you put it.

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I’m sorry, but the whole “we” it’s kind of strange.

The Borg wants High Elves.

The Borg are persistant.

The Borg will continue until we get what we want.

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Is it Lanesh the Steelweaver?


Let’s say that Alleria has “the blood elf look™”. If I go to SW right now, there will be a blood elf-looking character in the keep. Why?
Do you have human-looking characters in Org?

How do you explain that?

Well because HEs were originally in the alliance, and they brought back a character from those days.


Yes, Lanesh.

… thanks for not pointing out how I was more focused on his exposed chest than on his name btw.

As Fen told you. Just because you’re willingly skipping a huge step in the lore because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


The Silver Covenant favour the Alliance, but live in currently neutral Dalaran.

It’s not entirely accurate to call them Alliance or neutral.


The lore involved a change of name, the Blood Elves were born. I don’t think I am skipping that, you are with your “Blood Elves are High Elves” stand.

Blood Elves are High Elves they honor their people they make that very clear in the heritage quest for emphasis.

The Void scenario turning Elves almost into Ethereals and renaming themselves in honor of the void and taking a new path, with a distinctive new narrative is not the same thing.


Saying that Blood Elves = High Elves negates the principle of non contradiction and, from a contradiction, everything follows. Ergo VEs = BEs = HEs = Trolls


A name change to honor your people isn’t the same as being Void changed and changing your name after. Or the evolution from troll to NE. Etc.


But there has to be a different between two entities for them to be two different entities.
High Elves didn’t change sides. Blood Elfs joined the horde. Italians aren’t Romans.


Why wouldn’t Blood Elves get blue eyes?

I’m gonna level with you all. I’ve never seen the blood spurt on any character cause my eyes suck. lol

You’re right its purple not blue I misspoke.

Blood Elven eyes only became green due to fel radiation from the crystals they used to power their buildings in lieu of the Sunwell…

Now that its restored it was always said that the Blue Eyes would return to Blood Elves over time.

High Elves and Blood Elves are the same thing entirely after all.

They’re in an interesting place.

They’re clearly Alliance leaning and supporting but they’re tied to a Neutral city as their home… forcing them to remain partially separated. Much like the Sunreavers were. Though their group (sunreavers) gets very Horde after the Purge and only gets restored to neutrality within Dalaran during Legion.

Alleria took a wholly different path to become a Void Elf, one we’re not sure can be easily reproduced, than the rest of the Void Elves.

Her appearance remaining the same doesn’t have much to do with the Void Elves we play. (So far anyways, Blizzard could and should explain where new Void Elves come from).


Blood Elves are High Elves, the kingdom of Quel’thalas did change sides.

Alliance HEs are a rare site in lore, and no the SC isn’t Alliance.


As I said, if this is true then Void Elves are also Blood Elves are also High Elves. And russians are soviets and istambulis are constantinoplans. Why not?


It’s because I’m sticking to the lore that I stick to the Blood Elves are High Elves stance.

(It took me too long to find this… I really need to organize the folders in my PC…)