I think you have a habit of accusing others what you’re doing, like when you lectured me on bias yet I disagree with Magnificent on several points and I pointed out they weren’t even the only person to take that stance.
Despite the fact several times I said
I said things like this several times, the point we disagree isn’t important you’re still asking for a jet black natural toned option, and you accused me of trolling you?
But what has your responses been to several people here today?
But there’s a difference between saying something is black when it’s clearly black, and pointing at the color dark teal or dark blue and being “lol that’s blak”.
That’s what two blood elves were doing earlier, or referring to the teal as “void black” whatever that means.
That being said, I’m pretty sure everyone is on the same page about void elves currently not having access to the color black…I think.