Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Rather than “natural black”, maybe I’d call it “pure black”. It doesn’t have to look like natural hair, just have less blatant blue or green than current colours.

The NPC one for example has a blue undertone, but isn’t as overly blue as the currently available colours.


But it’s not any kind of “black” :man_shrugging:

Calling it any sort of black is dishonest. And to perpetuate that narrative is to perpetuate a lie.


I have no doubts it’s not the black you’re asking for but it would be a Void Black, or answer to black either in the mean time or if they don’t proceed with natural hair options on the grounds of visual distinction.

And regardless if you see it as such or not I guess it doesn’t matter what matters is you’re asking for a non Void black (natural toned is what I mean not that it doesn’t fit the Void thematically).

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What Lann means is that it fills the void (pun intended) of a black hair colour.

Kind of like how the closest blood elves could come pre-SL was a dark blue colour.


In a perfect world, I’d like any void elf colors added to have a blue undertones, like most blood elf tones have red or gold ones.

The original allied race set really suffered on hair color and skin variations.

Lightforged and nightborn also suffer from the “squint to tell the difference” issue.


How can it when it isn’t black?

That indigo that was used in place of black on Blood Elves was not black either. The new one is much better, though still has enough of a blue undertone to make me wince when someone calls it black.

Also all the Void Elf hair textures have the same tapering at the ends. Wouldn’t that make every Void Elf hair color “black” then? Come on. That’s just ludicrous.


Also this seems rather out of place and unneeded.

The example I gave was who I had seen call it Void black I scrolled until I could find it.

It doesn’t change the fact others have and continue to call it black or mistake it for one so yes it could be seen as a Void Black of sorts.

And that poster while having many good points I do disagree on the natural pure black color in question as I passively support that and they iirc do not so that is hardly me showing bias I’m just stating my opinion on the Void black in game.

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How about pink or purple?


There is no “Void black” in the game. This “void black” you’re espousing is Fyrebusche fiction. This is not “void” or any other kind of black:

The highlighted color is clearly not any kind of black. In fact, no color on that chart is black unless you count the background.


The point we disagree on doesn’t matter it is a Void Black to me and apparently others including people who just mistake it as so (I mean the non regular people in these threads who have said at times in threads that it was a black) because it can be mistaken as such.

What matters is the black you’re asking for is a pure black (natural hair colored to me) that can be argued to fit the Void theme thematically. And I passively support that.

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And as I said this “void black” you’re espousing is fiction.

And its ridiculous fiction at that.

The fact is, none of those are black hair.


The furthest left option I would say is a Void Black. But again it’s neither here nor there it doesn’t change that you’re asking for a pure black hair color.

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That image doesn’t work. The one on the right is much lighter.

What makes that clearly teal hair somehow “black” to you and not the one next to it?


So because the teal color is darker than the grey… that makes it “black” somehow?


The one next to it looks different?

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The blue has more saturation in it than the teal.

I’m sorry but this is not any kind of black hair to my eyes:


Space grey was the default option for a black iPhone for a while too and some people called that black too even if it was sold as space grey.

I’m just saying it seems like a black option and to some it is both they view it as such intentionally or even unintentionally.

Personally it seems like a Void black to me.

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It depends on the hair style.

That one has a much brighter tint to the colour.

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