Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

It’s really beautiful Rama ! :heart_eyes:


Thank you!!! :smiley:


It’s been a heck of journey since these topics were originally active. Who knew we’d end up where we are now?


A wonderful journey almost over for me. :grin:
I just hope Blizzard adds some new “high elf” hairstyles (or share hairstyles between BE and VE) and farstrider tattoos. :crossed_fingers:


These looks very nice.


With nelves getting some tattoos, I really want them to add farstrider/ranger tattoos for us! Also yes, new hairstyles, and add an optional braid toggle to where the void tendrils go when we don’t use them.


I think every race should get tattoo and scar options. Of course more hairstyles for everyone would be welcome too!


Scarring on the face and body independent of face type and body… Looking at you human face scars and worgen body scars.


Yep. NE faces are the best one when it comes to the scars; it’s a whole different grayscale texture that overlays on the face.


I hope Blizzard will analyze this thread’s requests and add some “high elf stuff” to void elves and blood elves. :crossed_fingers:


A few days ago I was surprised about how much people actually upvoted for this topic. Obviously I gave my vote for the cause as well. Sockpuppeting or not, the paying customers really want to better treated by their developers.

Are you just….necroing every old race customisation thread out of nostalgia or something?

Let him? The topic was only 11 days old.

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It was actually directed to yourself. You necro’d an ancient sethrak thread and a few mins later rushed to push this thread right back up. This topic is already covered in another (active) thread for it anyway.

I looked for an active Sethrak topic and this is what popped up in the search engine… :woman_shrugging:

Blizzard can you please add an option to choose the high elf race tag for void elves and blood elves because they both have HE customizations.
There would also need to be a quest (like the man’ari quest) to explain their official recruitment (void elf) and their return to Silvermoon (blood elf).


This could be a fun idea; they could frame this around the High Elves scattered in Outland finally returning to Azeroth, and since most of them were rangers, it could come with Farstrider customization options (warpaint and some hairstyles)


And I do think most elves from the Allerian Stronghold would remain on the alliance, but given they were lost before the inception of the sin’dorei, it’s very possible a number of them became homesick, and that triumphed the current Horde alignment of Quel’thalas.

And there’s also the “High Elf Refugees” we see in Shattrath; I have always wondered why they exist; are they HE that cut ties with the alliance, maybe due to disillusionment for being stranded?

Point is, even if I do think the majority of the HE in Allerian Stronhold would remain alliance, I do think there are enough HE in Outland that wouldn’t.


These high elves could be given the choice of joining the horde or the alliance so the “high elf” nameplate could be added to both factions.


This is not possible for Horde-players. The official High Elves of the Horde are Blood Elves now. They renamed their whole society because of WC3. The remnant clans, splinter-groups and whatsoever on the Alliance-side never joined their cause, making them the last real High Elves in the game.

Blood Elves can look like High Elves but they aren’t politically aligned with their old views.

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