It might be a little far fetched but i think it’s possible. If anything so they have a moment where they announce there will be more options with the update than they had originally announced and hype up the excitement more. I don’t think its out of the realm of possibility. At least for some options. I definitely think one being the Velf Tentacle toggle. As well as some other minor options for some other races.
Another thing that should be added is a blood color toggle for void elves. There should also be a green one for orcs, blood elves and forsaken.
Sure, that’s a positive thing, I guess. I never notice my Velf’s blood color anyway, but I get it why that would make some people happy.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Undead are supposed to have ichor. Orcs were shown to have darker blood in the wc3 cinematic.
Not really but please keep imagining things.
I don’t wonder. But I can see why no one takes you seriously.
Wasn’t there another cinematic before the blood color retcon on orcs that they bled green?
Not that I am aware of.
LOL, is that why I get more likes than yours? Nice copy pasta repetitively boring come back.
I mean, keep getting mad. No one’s going to hear your woes to get the hair color decision retracted.
Have fun mate. Go to your cave that you made a thread just to troll others that you don’t want the hair color. Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job there.
This is a like contest? Really, in a forum that you can change alts to like yourself?
If you really think I have that kind of luxury of time like you to ramble around about why there shouldn’t be any natural hair color option for void elves, then you are just assuming GREATbraeing at this point.
But yeah, you are one of them that helped us to refresh this thread, I can’t thank you greatly.
Most requested Allied Race ever … The High elves were part of the Alliance (first war, second war and etc. ) … I don’t want to start this again.
Just a hair color wouldn’t hurt anyone.
I am happy with the final decision for natural Hair colors for the Void elves .
High Elves were not a part of the Alliance during the First War.
They joined rather late into the Second War and withdrew most of their support after.
Blah blah blah, not technically part of the Alliance during WC3 but some helped we all know this.
Don’t care bout the rest of your post just commenting on the historical. In case folk were thinking I was saying more than just that. lol
Correct. They weren’t there during first war.
They were helping humans back before Lordaeron was a thing when Amanis were giving hard time.
They allied again during Second War.
“Umbric is the leader of the Void Elves because he lead their forces in BfA” “Shaw is the leader of the Alliance because he lead their forces in BfA.” Same exact logic being applied there.
Suppose to be more technical too we should point out that the First War had no Alliance.
The Alliance doesn’t exist until WCII.
Quel’Thalas and the Human Nations had fairly good relations for a long time prior, one of the reasons humanity reached out to them in the first place when the Orcs were heading north. Though initially the High Elves refused to assist. They later joined when the Orcs and Amani started to push into territories they were involved with and later their homeland.
I can’t remember if technically Alleria’s force assisted a bit before Quel’Thalas itself got involved or not with the chronicle updates. I know her and her followers disagreed with Anasterian’s desire to stay out of further conflicts after the Second War and before the Beyond the Dark Portal bit. So he let them assist to be Quel’thalas’ support at that time.
more like you guys is trying to twist the logic used in an attampt at harrassing another person because you lack an arguement to counter it.
True. How ever this fantasy can be met with another avenue then one that goes against high elves (which would be void elves) Half elves meets that fantasy better.
Enjoy them with your tenticles.
Lol, the more people say this the more I hope that it actually happens because it would be so funny.
That’s the one I use.
Yeah but reputations
They haven’t said anything about tentacles or hairstyles so my guess is those two things still remain the same for now.
Suppose they could still announce more. There is a whole month before 9.1.5.
They should because they are going to be normal hair colors on Void Elves and they should always show void corruption to some degree or another.
True, but thankfully it’s mostly centric around Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei because them two and Highmountain Tauren were always my top three races that need/needed customizations.
Technically 9.1.5 isn’t going to have the HMT. They’re later.
But I do like what I’ve seen so far on LFD and nightborne. Hope they do them good.