This is exactly what people don’t want to see here. Fans being happy and might play more on the Alliance.
I do hope you enjoy it. I will definitely make a High Elf when the time arrives.
This is exactly what people don’t want to see here. Fans being happy and might play more on the Alliance.
I do hope you enjoy it. I will definitely make a High Elf when the time arrives.
Omgg!!! <3 I’m so excited to see that! What are you thinking of making :o! Class, affiliations! <3 I want to know it at all!
I asked someone who knows the RP lore better than me. They recommend an “Argent Tournament warrior with blond hair and blue eyes” with the High Elf equipment, tabard and both mounts.
Personally I will just convert my Blood Elf hunter to the Alliance and farm the horse mount. The Argent Tournament takes too long for me to get everything.
Liadrin has a religion. The others view the light as a tool. Don’t look at liadrin as the voice of all BE’s. They are a arcane society bruh.
During bfa, the only times void elves was deployed umbric had been leading them and representing them during alliance questing. Alleria had not once been shown to be leading a unit with them. Even in the book she has been working alongside the army of the light more then with the group you are claiming she leads.
Wowpedia is wrong in that case since there is no sources on that.
This is taunting gnomes. They had the right to leave feed back like everyone else. And no it was not because of them the pro’s destroyed a race.
Why dont you contact them that they are wrong then?
Oh they do. That’s for sure.
Their efforts have not been in vain, keeping this thread up at least.
Yessss!! So like the Silver Covenant? I can’t wait to see it! <3
The Horse it’s really pain to farm it . The Rep it’s fine … but
I definitely doubt any of them who liked that post believe that trash. They all have proved how sad they are, imo.
Liadrin had been a priestess before becoming a Blood Knight. She had a mentor, who was the High Priest of Quel’Thalas, a title equivalent to that Tyrande possesses. While the lore states many Blood Elves lost their faith in the Light following the Third War, they still had priests as a class option, with no indication they were draining M’uru for Light either.
It’s not incorrect to state the dominant spiritual philosophy of Quel’Thalas is, and has always been the Holy Light.
That has no bearing on their arcane culture.
During the assault on the Undercity, Alleria led a force of Void Elves in assistance of the Alliance, bringing in Mekkatorque and his war machines at a timely moment.
Similarly, during the attack on Orgrimmar, Alleria and Vereesa state they’ll be conducting scouting operations on enemy movements. Since we weren’t a part of that, we didn’t see it, but I imagine it’s fair to conclude that the Void Elves and Silver Covenant were present with them.
Also, yes, in, ‘Shadow’s Rising,’ Alleria is leading Void Elves alongside Turalyon who is leading Lightforged Draenei. They even make it a point of having a Void Elf bring a Lightforged Draenei through a Void Rift, as if they were showing that it’s entirely possible, and explaining the side effects of it are feeling unsettled and nothing more.
True, but imagine how much more effective that feedback would’ve been if it was them asking for more customization, rather than trying to prevent it? That very point had been brought up a few times over the years.
I don’t see why you guys have a problem with what I said. I was thanking you guys for helping us after all. We welcome your conversations. It was unflagged already and it will get unflagged again fyi.
By this logic, Shaw was the leader of the Alliance because he led us through the war quests. Racial leaders are rarely ever on the front line of a war. Maiev was seen leading the Night Elven forces in Darkshore after the Burning of Teldrassil. Doesn’t make her the Night Elf racial leader.
Alleria was leading them during the Battle for Lordaeron. Which would have been one of the biggest engagements during the 4th War.
“Under her tutelage, the powers you wield will aid our cause” Void elves are under Alleria’s tutelage, she is their leader, if they do anything wrong she will be the one who will have to answer, not Umbric. Umbric is her co leader i think.
It’s obvious. Because they’re not getting their way and deep down somewhere they know your post has a lot of truth.
If there weren’t a group so hell-bent on trying to deny high elf customizations the recent threads in the past 3 years wouldn’t have gained as much traction as they did.
Might want to scroll up and see that one of your own was the one that was complaining about it.
And you can have all the stuff you want on your copy/paste model, we get unique stuff for a unique model and people from your side are complaining about it despite asking for a copy/paste it’s beyond ironic.
It’s obvious.
It was meant to be a taunt, trolling and meant to antagonize.
Deep down I’m sure you know that’s the truth.
He knows like anyone else that side is never going to be satisfied with anything because they are ungrateful, I said that long ago and I stand by it now because no matter what they get they want more or somehow find a way to claim it’s unfair what we get it’s best not to let it get to you.
I’m definitely not letting their poor behavior get to me. But heck if I’m not going to point it out when I see it.
It is a good time to add to he Blood Elf topic though.