Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

This is completely off topic but that’s a cool mog.

Literally said no one ever sans Liadrin… what´s with you people trying to paint the Holy Light as this “crucial” corner of Belf society when it is still pretty much irrelevant for most? (I mean, if the Belves actually “cared” for the dogma of the Holy Light they wouldn´t had taken the Dark Animus with them, cause it is quite anatema to the Holy Light Church).

The Belves ARE the pragmatic flavor of elves in this game, dogma will ALWAYS take a second place to PRACTICAL stuff. Ergo, different to the Humans or the Draenei, the value of the Light is limited to the military applications, not on how it will “save their people”.

Excuse me, but option for the choice that destroys it ASAP WITH negative repercutions is a bigger disaster waiting to happen. Specially when the anything magical that happens to the ridiculous fount DO impact the Belves/Helves regardles of time and space.

As someone put it in a previous post, don´t try to excuse Velf lore cause that one is DOA as far as it goes currently (as Fenelon says, hopefully you get something that doesn´t make your NPCs look like irresponsible morons in the future).

The “visual uniqueness” was only the first step we worried about. The actual narrative background IS the important stuff, and how much I DON´T want “help” from the Helfer side of the fence for the Belf side is no joke.

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Yeah I could care less how they implemented it, but that they implemented it, I voiced and hoped it would be through unique colors and styles but blizzard saw otherwise.

Not a lot I can do but be thankful that they continue to barely meet us half way.


Sorry for slow reply doing dailies my Goblin but I more or less want everyone to be happy with who and what they are playing, I know that’s not really possible because everyone wants different things for preferred races or other races but it’s the idea that’s only reason I take issue with male Nightborne is because most others do so I support them in that.

Just replace forever with ever, seems more appropriate for a 3rd loss. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


yes. we get that you are mad. you keep writing stuff in long paragraphs trying to prove something that your race is superior. you want to prove that you are a chad and greatest loco blood elf in Azeroth. you want to prove you are a bad girl, a true princess.

let’s all clap for the chad princess. she’s got the fiery spark. she’s got them paragraphs burning with fire.


Never really considered tilted ramblings fiery, most of what she writes is easily ignored, everything she ever says boils down to “muh blood elves” which no one asks or cares about and “muh history” which no one was asking for.

She’s just here to direct her anger at us since she can’t at blizzard. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


And this is the reason why they, as a company, can gift a Yatch to a cretin too busy wasting time to notice malpractices in the work environment while they continue exploiting the people working in the company. Cause if the customer itself doesn´t care over actual quality, then why should them?

I´ll repeat: you do you, as long as you stay the censored word away from the stuff I care about a.k.a. the Belves and the Horde, period. Cause at the end you become a hurdle if the only thing you are gonna say is “buut, buut!!! BeLf CuStOmIzAtIoNs ArE oK!!” as Lore did.

I don´t need to prove anything dear, the story already did for me. Sorry not sorry the Velf lore is such a joke (as in current Sylvanas lore joke tier).

Frankly, we both care over VERY different stuff (you care over appearances more than substance, and that´s fine). So as long as you guys don´t try to “help” in the substance department, we will be good at the end.

Contrary to you, I don´t need to gloat 24/7 for winning in the Barbie minigame to feel fulfilled with a multi million dollar company.

Someone evidently never had to deal with the crazy portion of his own fanbase… lucky you.


I would imagine he just blends in with them so of course he’s not going to notice.


I’m screaminggg! The diffrence between us is that we don’t flag… we DRAG!



NOPE. We are STRONG. Can’t stop us. Won’t stop us.


This sums it up well. If the antis had just focused on blood elf options then maybe the new customization news would include some blood elf customization of some kind.


Cheer up! Maybe they will make more customizations that reflect blood elves being more than just high elves besides the gold eyes.

I’m not unhappy, lol, I’m actually really happy that Nightborne will get actual new stuff where Void Elves will more than likely just get copy/paste from Blood Elves, that was my whole point in that post.

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I’ll admit that I’m bummed. I really wanted to see Void options for my rogue and priest, like floating hair, or pink hair, or pure white/black skin, claws, etc. I feel like this is lazy. I don’t like seeing Blizzard be lazy.


Yeah, they do need some love. One or two hair colors is rough. I’m all for freeing up all night elf hair colors.

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Oh believe me, we did.

But a simple thread of customizations simply wouldn´t be able to compete with 2 years of complains done about not looking like the Helves they wanted (I mean, most Helfers basically protested after the doomed BfA Blizzcon in which Velves were announced, so… /shrughs).

Most customizations were done NOT following any player feedback (I mean I don´t remember people asking for flowers on Tauren and the actual issues Tauren players have with the models -the lack of facial variation- is still pretty much existing today), they were done following the premises of the very devs (and putting mysoginistic tropes in the Barbie esque model of the game in the wake of mysoginistic devs comes indeed as no surprise today, lol). You guys case is simply a bonus for Blizz, cause as harsh as it sounds you were so desperately enchanted with the idea of getting back your WC2 dream you are the easiest people to please nowadays, period. You guys literally celebrate the chance of getting a copy paste of something that already exist, that´s how easy is to please you.

Hypheria is a cool gurl. And pink hair for all elves pretty please. And Belfs should also get pink magical effect like DID on the lower half of their hair.


I really want pink hair for all races and I will keep requesting that no matter what because that should be a thing for all races but otherwise I agree and well lazy is lazy unfortunately, way less effort to do it that way.