Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I still think it’s probable that the reason nothing happened with hair has less to do with the choices Blizzard wants to present us with, and more to do with minimal effort.

Any changes to the hair would involve either a retexture or locking options. Probably a bit more than they were looking at doing for an allied race at this juncture.


Didn’t Muir make a huge post about how zero of the allied races got new hair options? So clearly blizzard didn’t make a conscious decision to exclude giving normal hair options to void elves. They put it off for all allied races until the next release of customization.


Of course they do.

Just remember to post it in the proper place. I think the forums have a section for that outside GD.

Fair enough.

Is the semi-tan-purple tint on the ends something that would help at the roots in your opinion?

Kinda curious on how that might look…

Hair starting as tentacles would be interesting.

Kinda like I personally don’t think natural colors look good on the blue skin I don’t think the void elf hair colors look great on belfs.

Though the silver and black/teal would do fine.

Guess I mean more the blues and greens and pur- on second thought purples not bad actually.

This though.


I’m honestly kinda more convinced of this myself these days.

Might just be the dissapointment talking though.


They added what 3 new hair styles to core races?

3 new void hair styles. At best.

That still isn’t a promise of more HE options, and additionally one can’t claim “oh they did this for us and this is how I KNOW they’ll do more” without acknowledging they also left hairstyles out of the equation that argument people love to wave around actually delegitimizes their argument because it more or less is saying “Blizzard decides and look what they have done”, so yes let us look at the hair they have done for VEs and the visual distinction they have left in.

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Having met a few humans in my day,

Worgen got no new hairstyles, tbh. Not even the bald one everyone else (except pandaren and tauren) got. Granted, it’s obvious why, but they could have done a no mane look.

I really damn well hope they’re not done with customizations. There’s a lot more, for a lot of races, that I would like to see.


The same can be said about why VEs don’t have natural hair options

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Aside from bald I don’t believe we got any hairstyles.

Don’t get me started on worgen.

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Yes. Because even if they wanted to, it would have involved a retexture.

Not, and I want to make this clear, because blood elf hairstyles would make void elves look like hairless worgen.

What an odd part of my post to quote.


I’m pointing out the likelihood of what you’ll get at best when looking at their mark for what they’ve done for other races.

I’m saying the likelihood of HE hair options like Magnificent points out is non existent when you consider the amount of options they’ll do for races and the fact they have to consider visual distinction fans.

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Not really it was a sentiment I felt we had common ground on in terms of seeing the obvious :hugs:

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Actually blizzard did say that more high elf options were on the table for the future. I’d grab the quote but I’ve yet to decide if I want to get out of bed.


We are clearly Blizzard’s chosen people.

Who are still shorter than we’re supposed to be, consist mostly of broken animations, and got very little in the customization pass.

Also, glasses look like this.

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This is why context is important.


I would agree if I didn’t acknowledge I was making a separate point

If you want to talk about worgen that’s fine that’s not what I’m here to talk about :hugs:

The context may better fit their thread sledge? Otherwise I’m fine making points where I see fit, and trying to communicate with you to the best that we’re able to.

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Ah, I see.

If it’s a choice between in bed and out of bed, I’d choose in bed.

(this was a joke more than anything else…)

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We need so much work.

Also tail options damnit!

While I’m at it I want them to change Darkflight too.

Wrong thread though.



Bliz really should do more customizations.

Not just for blood elves, or void elves, but all races. Including ones like worgen and pandaren, who got very little. And the other allied races.


If it makes sense in the lore, that’s the only thing necessary to qualify for something getting added to a races customization


That we can agree on, but what that looks like for VEs is obviously very different and I’ll continue to voice my opposition to further encroaching on the BE visual theme.

Also Worgen should get their tails!

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