Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I can hear the mount people complaints now “Oh! So it wasn’t bad enough that all our mounts are horses! Now our new race is horses!?”


I’m not upset at all ^.^ I am quite pleased knowing void elves will get the hair colors, hair styles, facial hair, jewelry, and potentially even demon hunter in the near future. :hugs:


Why not? Ever seen a Horse ride a horse?


Wow, I love this, I wish I could give you all my likes for the day on multiple characters because really I just absolutely love it. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I don’t think they’d put something like that in game…


Night Elves I was hoping would get Paladins through Tyrande shedding off the Night Warriors power into a whole group of Night Elves who would bear it with her. Make them their own order.

Worgen I could see either joining in that, just worshipping Elune, or from their worship of the Light. Either way.

Oh and Night Elves could always go just the Elune paladin route.

Or hell just expand the two night elf paladins from Legion. Have em teach new ones.

Kul’tiran should have had it from the get go… they were there during the Second War when the Silver Hand was founded. No reason they wouldn’t along with Gilneas sent Knights or priests to become Paladins.

It would be wonderful.

I love the horse mounts and all the options for em. Wish we had half as many options for every other mount.

Especially Horde wolves and Wyverns…

If I said yes… you know what nevermind.



If they didn’t want us to be anything but void theme . They would have not given us blue eyes or lighter skin tones so again your point is completely mute .


If we go by that logic then it stands that the lack of natural hair options was intention because know they discussed the options at length and it’s beyond obvious you’re not entitled to the full visual theme BEs fulfill. You have confirmed RP tools and player agency that starts and ends with your character.


first of all loool whos impersonating anyone ?
secondly nah im good i have my high elfs on alliance .
hardly upset just asking for more options .


Well the Horde has gotten some new ones Drede thats always an option for you :hugs:

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we will still get them eventually :slight_smile:


Thank god you do not work for Blizzard.


They literally gave you those as compensation for completing the High Elven look on Horde side for Blood Elves which is exactly how it should be, we are the actual High Elves you are void tainted Blood Elves which are twice removed from High Elves, that’s why I can be blonde with fair skin and blue eyes if I want to be and you can’t whether you choose to accept that there’s a difference or not doesn’t mean there isn’t one.


If you’re so sure you wouldn’t need these threads trying to convince everyone as much yourselves.

Visual distinction moving forward is more valid than continuing to poach BE options and the visual theme BEs fulfill, a compromise doesn’t mean you get everything you want and that’s what Blizzard did.


This is true but in a way the irony within them makes me want to make this character a blonde again.

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And yet, Blizzard said they’re giving everyone the option to be a High Elf and allowing people to pick there path without adding a new race. And in terms of customisations, more is coming in the future.

Would you like to see that again, or you just going to ignore it?


We can be twins :partying_face: :hugs: my rogue is blonde, one of the things I love about Blood Elves is when I choose them I know they aren’t void tainted, and natural hair options are available to the actual playable High Elf race Horde side of course.

Can’t figure out which option of blue I like best though in the eye colors!

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So funny, I’m scrolling through them at the moment and I can’t decide which I like better but when I do I hope my profile here updates with the changes quickly. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Lol, had to requote this because that was really fast updated. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I prefer half elves instead :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a whole big thing where a poster in here (coughs) created an alt impersonating another poster and started liking posts, creating drama, etc. This said poster is also the original poster of this thread, the OP, but won’t admit it. It’s a whole big shenang and they got caught, so big yikes.