Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Well I absolutely love it, it totally gives me the full on Mag’har vibe due to the look and that’s wonderful. :wink: :wink: :wink:


In my experience here… yeah… you have to state when you’re making a joke or someone will come for you. T_T


I mean… you do realize in 3d modeling you can change the color of something without changing the texture right?

I mean… you do realize I was replying to a point made about the textures already existing, right?


That’s fair, but regardless, void elves having different textured hair is not really a good excuse for why they can’t have specific hair colors.

Just pointing this out, so we’re all clear textures aren’t really a factor when it comes to colors.

Interestingly, the Kul Tiran hair textures fit on void elf hair. All they’d need to do is put the tentacles on, but since the tentacles are always the same, it shouldn’t be to hard to add on.

Personally I want natural hair colours, but I get why some people oppose it.




Yes and Horde got Nightborns but I think it’s okay is what they asked for but… they look like grannys and they are nothing comparable to the Suramar ones.
Despite everything else… Alliance is dying in the high endgame content side, you can still do high endgame content as Alliance… but you will struggle finding people for that unlike Horde, But still supposedly the balances betwen factions are almost equal except for the endgame part.
Personally the only change will make me quit the game is cross-faction.

That’s the why I really like you, is you are like I was when I was neutral on this topic and you see it from both sides while still wanting what you want and being civil about it. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Honestly, we have 4 hair colors that work well for a Helf feel right now.

While I’m still interested in the NPC black option and the “glitched” untextured white, not getting either of those isn’t the end of the world.


I want the pink you posted in this thread or maybe it was another one of these, I get confused with posts in these sometimes. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


It was a different thread…

Though I might’ve tossed it here someplace too.

I need to update it again… Izzabelle recently dropped several nice void options I’d like to add in.


It doesn’t really make much sense that people are getting so nitpicky about character customizations. Do we really want LESS customization? Alliance has Quel’dorei, Horde has Sin’dorei. Surprise, they’re the same people. Ren’dorei are just another offshoot.

“You shouldn’t have x, y, or z because gatekeeping reasons”. Or… OR… we should have more options overall to play something with better visuals because it resonates with players on the faction of their choice. People RP. People gravitate toward what they like. It doesn’t need to be this way lol. So many other games do player characters so much better. Adding more into the mix here isn’t a bad thing.


and yet they were added to the game as a response to the community asking specifically for high elves since before WOTLK.

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I agree only if blood elfs grt voids as well

Adding more to the mix it’s great when it adds to the uniqueness of the race. Void Elves have the right to be their own thing, because they are their own thing.


I love how people package getting what they want as “do we really want less customization?”. You can get more options in the future and they all be Void related as they should be, because you getting everything you want negatively impacts the Blood Elf visual theme of which you are not entitled to.

Alliance was never entitled to High Elves, of which are Blood Elves, Void Elves have their own visual theme, new lore, a new story that makes them Void, and future customizations should show that. 90% of the visual theme and if you still can’t make due with RP I have to question how good at RP is someone at that point.

How many fought in the fourth war?


to be fair, you’re not really entitled to it either. You get what blizzard makes available. I understand why you don’t want void elves to have natural hair colors, but that doesn’t make blood elves entitled to them.


Blood Elves aren’t entitled to look like Blood Elves?

Well this is awkward considering we do have those options, have had those options, and a playable race takes precedence and Void Elves have their own visual theme they too are entitled to but okay.


You aren’t entitled to squat no. You have what you have at blizzards good graces. You have no more control over what happens in game and customizations added than anyone else. If they decided to make all blood elves into squirrels tomorrow, you wouldn’t be able to stop them. So please, stop acting like you’re some how entitled to something just because you play the game.