Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread


Not gonna lie
the female velf #2 and #6 (consuming and melancholy I think are the names) non-voided would look awesome for my female belves <3


I mean
 I understand not wanting the option for void elves to have natural hair color, but how exactly would the option to have natural hair colors suppress your ability to be a “voidy tentacle goth”?


Because it’s the only voidy tentacle goth thing remaining of their identity. Give them blonde hair and they’re just basic blood elves.

But that doesn’t take away your option to be a voidy tentacle goth.

More options for everyone doesn’t mean less options for you.


I’m not talking about me, I don’t even play Alliance anymore. I’m talking about race identity.

Point still stands. The ability for some people to chose to not be a voidy tentacle goth would not remove the option for other people to be a voidy tentacle goth.


No it doesn’t, you gotta stop thinking about individual individual needs if you want to understand it.

I do understand people’s arguments about race identity and all the other ones. It’s just the argument that adding options to not be a voidy tentacle goth suppresses the options for other people to be voidy tentacle goths that makes literally zero sense.

1 does not suppress the other. More options here doesn’t mean less options there.


No, it doesn’t and that’s not what I said.

Suit yourself, you’re still not getting bootleg high elves. :partying_face:

So you didn’t say

Oh wait.

Keywords are important.
It’s race identity and you first need to understand that in order to move forward with the discussion. If you look at a void elf the only thing that differentiates it from a blood elf is the hair, you take that away (yes, you’re taking it away by choosing blonde) and there is no way to tell apart one from the other.

P.S. No Patrick, not from a gameplay perspective. I am aware enemies glow red. :roll_eyes:

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Put a helmet on a void elf and a blood elf that covers the hair, and put them in a non-faction specific mogs and stand them next to each other. Then tell me which is which.

I mean, if the 1 thing that separates them visually, if the void elf choses a non-void skin tone, can be negated by wearing a helmet, it’s not really much a of a distinction.


Well, put a helmet on yours and pretend she’s blonde. :ok_hand:

But that would give her a bad case of helmet hair. Also she’s clearly not a blone.


The amount of support for this request is truly beautiful, I’m so glad that we have all been able to come together. This truly is one of the most widely desired feature.


Actually it does when you look at the petition from a professional PoV
 those “non Void” options means less resources spent in “more void” options
 and regarding this particular petition, those “spent resources” come with the aggravant they infring upon the visual model of another “product” A.K.A. the Belf playable model. Blizzard does NOT have infinite resources -and we got to know corroborate that precisely with their: "no moar customizations for SL and maybe in the future. That meant they don®t have the time to “waste” in our Barbie models and that the graphic artists are needed elsewhere, period-, ergo they have to be VERY efficient when they make this implementations.

Literally cloning the hair styles and the colors on Velves put an additional strain on the art team cause then not only will they have to work overtime to make the Belf playable model once again “unique” in some way, they also will have to take into account players fans from the other races demanding the same “shared aesthetics” between their fav races and it®s allied counterparts (Orc fans demsnding to get brown skins on their regular Orc model cause you know
 if Velves could then Orcs can and so on and so fort).

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First 9 posts alone were opposing this idea. I think most is an overstatement.


I don’t care, just give me red eyes.


For Blood Elves or Void Elves?