Hey, people are asking for void elf paladins so I figured why not?
They could tie them to the Emerald Nightmare (created by N’zoth).
It makes more sense than Paladins.
Hey, people are asking for void elf paladins so I figured why not?
They could tie them to the Emerald Nightmare (created by N’zoth).
It makes more sense than Paladins.
Do you want tentacle bears?
Because this is how you get tentacle bears.
Class restrictions shouldn’t exist generally.
This is… definitely some kind of form…
I’ve decided.
Its bear form.
Strongly disagree. There are frankly too few class restrictions these days.
OK but can you imagine a void consecrate? Or… V O I D S T O R M ?
I would like it if they get a void themed look on all thier ability
I feel like when you go Void, it literally sucks the nature out of you.
Void elves have enough classes. And some they don’t even deserve.
Give all the classes to High gnomes.
Void elves are lame.
Fair disagreement. They’ve just shown now too many races mingling, and very few of the classes aren’t teachable in some way. Classes like Druid, Paladin and Priest are comprised of multiple different orders, some with wildly different beliefs. Once they went down that road keeping anything off the table seems hard to justify.
(Commentary): Well, the Alliance does need a fourth Druid option. That said, I think it’d be better in the long run if Druids came to Void Elves thanks to them joining hands with the Alliance’s High Elves, who picked it up from Night Elves. They could just copy/paste Night Elf druid forms that way to cut down on time. Maybe make the Moonkin form use the Arrakoa model just to make them a little different from Night Elves.
Arakkoa allied race w/ druid forms would be way better.
The only acceptable new class for VE is Shaman. The Twilight Hammer who work for the old god prove that even tough u use the void u still can use the element but in a new way. U twist thier power to use it agains thier will. Therefor to me it is the only acceptable class the VE should have
I know we’ve disagreed on things but I would love the idea of a Void Elf Druid
(Commentary): Druids of the Nightmare would be cool too. So many ready-to-use assets!
It really wouldn’t be that much of a stretch with the lore. Kul’tirans are druids but they are using a death type of magic (from what I understand) so it could be possible for void elves to tap into the Nightmare druid theme
(Commentary): It’d make for a unique relationship with the Night Elves if the Void Elves were essentially asked to study the Nightmare to find more effective methods of combating and containing it.