Be serious. Void Elves are far too painfully, cuttingly hip to turn themselves into random animals.
You’re posting on a Mechagnome. I’ll just leave it at that.
AS long as they added Blood Elf Druids I’d be fine with it. If they never add Blood Elf Druids, Worgen and Troll Druids should have never been added.
Voidadin could be a great addition.
Void elf Druid sounds really interesting… And yes shaman could be awesome. The Alliance have finally a more darker race . .
Druids or Paladins or Shamans. I hope ether one of these 3 will be added in. I can already see alot of potential ideas of Void/High Elf Druid Rpers if Void Elf Druids were a thing.
Correction: I’m posting on a God Gnome.
This is up there in terrible ideas that make 0 sense.
I’m still down for some druids of the fang honestly surprised they didn’t go that way for trolls.
They have to be a thing something like this will be amazing