Void Elf Customizations?

(Observation): No really. With one update, Void Elves got their new stuff. Most other races received new options spread across multiple updates.

(Commentary): The big issue here, and this is my opinion so feel free to disregard it, is that Blood Elf fans spent so much time arguing against High Elves that there was such little feedback about new options they’d like for Blood Elves that Blizzard seems to have literally looked at all the requests for High Elves, and implemented them for Blood Elves. I mean, is it no wonder Blood Elf fans aren’t happy? They never asked for the stuff they got! They spent too much time saying what they didn’t want another race to get, and not enough time on what they wanted!

(Commentary): Copy/Pasting hair styles and colors strikes me as a more involved and lengthy process than copy/pasting skin tones. I won’t be surprised if/when it comes to pass though.


You can ask why nightborne weren’t given all the night elf customizations as well? We didn’t even get night elf skin tones!


Such feedback has been provided. In blizzards own post on such customizations, the one to continue it I specifically linked a moment ago, and many others.

The funny thing is, mine was a silly joke. He was the one who made it personal and mean. :woman_shrugging:t2:


well all allied races kind of need something now.
because their customization is now behind the main races.
again everything that was easy to apply they did.

also this is a biznass… they know people will pay for faction transfers… with the new options.

it was me! i did it.
I wanted to be a cute skinny elf that wasnt hanging out with ugly orcs.

it worked it was a smart biznass decision.


well they do have different body types so maybe its not as easy of a transfer… but i agree they should get some updates asap!


Real talk, orcs look awful without the upright pose.


Maybe they are working in more customisations? I hope they are, because draenei don’t have new eye colors, and most of the races seems unfinished.


You look fire :fire: Féyrre it wasn’t even a sensible shot to take lol.

Core races are lacking across the board, and Blizzard never commented on AR’s and sold the expansion on the knowledge we were only seeing core races first it was anyone guess about AR’s. Yes I agree AR’s all come before the VE AR as well, but they should redirect attention back to core races as they didn’t do a good job across the board like one or two races feel like wow they really tried and Void Elves are one of them is a joke.


Youuuuuuu. :heart:


Lol I didn’t come after your race at all. I just said I had a great transmog. :joy::heart:


While in general I agree I know one or two orcs who look good hunched.

And why didn’t LFD get longer tails???

ok fine…
but its not as cute as my gay hoochie mog

I thought you were fabulous but I’m hesitant to express that to you now. :smiling_imp:


I hate it when people mistake confidence as an attack on them.


Being a woman, I’ll admit, I feel like that happens a lot. :grimacing::heart:


gurl… its corona virus and i just had ice coffee i’m a bored kween who lives for the drama.

but you take yourself very seriously sis.
i see you

I don’t know who “needed” what before everyone else. I still cant use most gloves on my female night elf thanks to the size of their hands. Everyone always complains about the males and their model too.

Mind you, this was back when we had no idea that anyone would be getting anything in the customization arena, let alone everyone.

But how about giving male worgen a fixed model like the orcs? I wish I had my old PC to show some of the suggested models based on an old worgen model I think that would have been way better in my mind, but i no longer have the link, but worgen still look so messed up to me with their posture.


The only reason why void elves got skin tones is because blood elves got blue eyes. Copy paste some skin colors and eye colors don’t take much effort, because belves and velves use the same model. They should have give nightborne some night elf skin tones but the textures are different i imagine.

I would like to know :sweat_smile:

