Void Elf Customizations?

The void doesn’t necessarily dye your hair. I’m so over people denying options for other players that make sense with the lore. I hate the pervasive and frankly childish “they can’t have it cuz its mine!” mentality that some of you people have. It’s embarrassing.


At least you’re given a more attractive voice, Mophead. :coffee:

I could say the customization could wait longer.
It has no effect on me, why bother fixing perfection? :smirk:

Blood Elves need purple Eyes. It’s not acceptable that Void Elves have access to purple eyes and a core Horde race does not.

I have several transmogs that NEED purple eyes. Also, several of my characters RP depends on them having purple eyes.

Please, Blizz, fix this, BE needs purple eyes.

The blood elves have been in the horde since TBC, back in 2007. Their only involvement with the alliance was a campaign in the expansion for WC3, where the story was about them leaving the alliance. So in what deranged way are they “typically” associated with the alliance?


I disagreed not because I wanted HE, but because I’m more of a paladin fan and would not want any form of undead paladins, as well as want to witness the outcry of forsaken’s players uproar from it’s implimentation.

I can live without HE being it’s own race, undead paladins of any form I’d rage quit.

Who are you responding to on this? I disagree with BE’s getting holy themed tat’s, they can have yellow tat’s as long as they are not holy themed or holy magic glowy that some people asked for. BE’s are not the holy race, they seek any power to control.

I think because there is no explanation in game, we would have to make head cannon for it. For me, I beleive the long exposure to the natural void energies of telegros transformed them without the skin color effect of the ritual, or we could say they found some void walkers to munch on :stuck_out_tongue:

I was giving an example of your gatekeeping.

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Lol, actual lore players does not ask for paladin void elf abominations.

I came up with a better solution with lightforged/forsaken model toggle which would suit such request alliance side as well as give forsaken a way to get other forsaken options like dark rangers.

That’s a really, really narrow way to look at it as all of the races recieved customization options.

Just because they gave a race something, doesn’t mean they were unhappy with it.

To gatekeep, I’d have to prevent some one from entering something, which I’d have no power to do here.

I can argue my opinion and defend it, but by no way is it gate keeping. If your gonna try to insult me, please at least use a logical word that suits it.

I think there needs to be some distinction. I also think the new skins for velf look weird. They just don’t look quite right on them… yet. Like my alt here; the skin color just looks wrong to me. But thats me. Belf look fine with human like skin tones. I think they need to be tweaked for velf.

But I do think that player choice is important and those who question should ask the players who changed skin tones why they did so. Only then do you know why and can mostly set aside the idea of trying to take identity.

At the same time, I havent seen any alliance velf role players trying to pretend or impersonate blood elves. When i spend time on the horde side, i feel and see horde identity as Orc and honor. I dont immediately think belf when I think horde. But thats just me and I have an affinity for Orcs.


There does need to be a distinction. For VE’s I feel they need to show a form of void curruption.

I find it odd people are trying to rp non-BE as VE’s, they literally came from a group of BE originally, and would still have higher pre-be numbers then the small number of HE that joined them.

No True Void Elf? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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void + light = explosion

Yup, people that wants paladins for void elves either is trolling, or want VE’s soft deleted into HE

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My biggest wish is lighter hair colors whether they be natural tones or pastel. I would prefer a couple of each for variety sake and more well rounded player agency. I would pick Blonde and brown for natural colors, Baby blue and a off white violet color like Allerias Void form for unnatural colors and silver/white and black for colors that fit both aesthetics. I feel these would be fair and Void Elves would get both new stuff and still hold the majority of options.

As far as styles go I’d do Human styles 15, 21-23, 32, Draenei style 8, Night Elf styles 1, 14 and Kul Tiran style to list a few I’d be happy to get any of.

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I think that other Allied Races should get some love first. Nightborne customization options are absolutely horrendous, Lightforged look too similar to their counterparts, and Mechagnomes need a bit of a polish imo. These things should happen before VE get more customization because VE already have the most given to them out of every AR.

Now when all AR get more customization, that’s a different story.


I personally think the next step for LF is a model toggle, but it can be implemented with high mountain tuaren (which also need allot of work) for additons like yaungol or taunka too. :slight_smile:

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Ughhhh yes, Taunka?? Take my money, Blizzard.