Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Most of the suggestions i have seen are void oriented now. Even those people who wanted high elves are supporting void customizations. Farstrider tattoos are a very controversial topic, IMO this should be given to both with different designs.

This kind of behavior is very common here on the forums, i really dislike that. People are always trying to deny customizations (as if they could), and some tend to be a bit rude sometimes. I don’t think that asking for red eyes for void elves is an issue, but trying to deny this option for blood elves is.


That dark skin tone with the white hair looks so good! Now if only we could get it, who knows when void elfs will get more customization ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Random story, I love velfs so much last night I dreamt I had void powers and I used void rifts to defeat an alien invasion lol :octopus:


Supporting more Void customizations for Void Elves.

Personally, I would like:

  • New hairstyles, both “regular” and chaotic looking (such as full-tentacled hairstyles).
  • Tentacle color selection
  • Tentacle toggle on all of the hairstyles, i.e., including those that don’t have tentacles right now.
  • Voidy eyes (such as those that resemble N’zoth’s eyes) and a red eye color (for those who value visual distinction between Undead Elves and a potential red-eyed Void Elf, I wouldn’t mind having a different tone of red for Void Elf eyes).
  • More Voidy skin tones, including reddish skin tones (considering that, in game, too much Void corruption actually turns your character red - so it stands to logic that those Void Elves in particular who were transformed and received too much Void energies in contrast to other elves would actually look reddish, not entirely purple).
  • More elegant and sleek options - I totally support monstrous looking customizations as well, as those would make a lot of fans very happy, but personally I would rather have access to elegant Voidy jewelry options, for instance.
  • Starcursed everything. Starcursed hair colors, starcursed eye colors, starcursed tattoos/scars, starcursed jewelry. We could even have our elves have a second name: Starcursed Elves. :laughing:
  • Tattoos and scars. I don’t mind the colors or the forms, I just want tattoos and scars. If a halo of Void energy could emanate from them, like a subtle smoke of Void, that would be perfect.
  • Makeup, for both males and females (same goes for jewelry). Heck, even hairstyles should be universal and not gender-locked. It’s 2021.


Don’t care about anything else but this one thing.


Luoren always has the best designs for void elf hair! These look fantastic.

PS: Sigh.


As I know there are a fair number of High Elf folk round here I thought I’d link to this event thats going to go on the 30th on the PTR.

If you’ve got a high elf toon you want to show off and hang out with other high elf folk (Who are probably also Void Elf and Blood Elf fans) join in!

(I mean I’m not hopped up on “retaking Silvermoon” concepts but its all in good fun.)


Ewww… PvP content.

Regardless of city or faction , i hate it. It is nice of them to announce it so people like me that dwells on those forums can avoid the city and the lag resulting from the event.

Yeah I dont think I’ll follow to the city but if I can attend I will.

Then again I wonder if any of them would want me to attend…

Its on the PTR though so you shouldn’t have to avoid it at all.

I meant for the ptr players that like me despise PvP.

Hehehe, I wasn´t talking about my actual toons, Fen. (heck I don´t even visit Silvermoon like… ever).

Honest to God they may either have a good time or get the usual “weeee, we conquered a deserted city nobody cares for!!! /gets bored after jumping and trying to bait players for 10 minutes”.

How do I know that? easy, my own server. You can bet people on Horde notified about invasions to make people avoid the city (something among the lines of "lul, n00bs are killing /insert faction leader), if you are busy don´t come to the AH in that city).

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Ah I see!

I suspect given that its PTR there wont be much in their way and very few if any people hanging out. They should have fun though.

They’re got what they wanted (or at least most of it) and they deserve to celebrate that recklessly. lol

I may not be as into High Elves as many folk but it was nice the first few days of PTR to see how happy everyone was. How excited they were about their high elves.

Zan mentioned that even on RP servers Silvermoon is pretty much abandoned now.

I was sad to hear it.


This WILL sound harsh, but honest to God? Nobody stays subbed to “only RP”. Players participate in bigger on lesser ways on the gameplay features, and for this expac, this means your are literally limited to SL maps, cause it´s what is most practical. Why inconvenience oneself going to Azeroth when ALL the stuff you need is in another map altogether?

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It’s always been a little sparse on normal servers.

Used to be my favorite city to go in for Solo vs City PvP. Before no one was around in cata.

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Aye I agree.

Fenelon here is supposed to Rp a lot more but I find myself spending my time trying to keep up with the Anima. lol

Wish Blizzard would give more options for RPers to have a reason to hang out.

I still go there on Kyuu from time to time.

I like the ambiance. (Plus hes a mage so easy to get there.)

People says “there is no content”. There Is content, is just an infinite wheel and we thge hamsters going round and round on it… one has to do SO much to get SO little.

I´m a slave of alt hoping to complete emmisaries -I´m poor, global economical crisis ergo to play I have to use a token. And in my low pop servers this means AH is useless, ergo I have to get gold by proxy of emmisaries and other similar content. And it´s time consuming AF, literally I play to get the gold to buy the token).

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One day I hope blizzard learns having a lot of things to do is different from have to do a lot of things.


Aye, but then again maybe is so harsh for me because of my low pop server.


Gods I’d hate that.

Thankfully I can still afford to pay for my game time the old fashioned way… wish I didn’t have to… but I don’t have the time for that. >.<

Old Gods yes.

I remember what I was going to say!

Green may not be an actual color of stars but it is a common star color in games.

Also after some research some stars can appear to be green but only at certain viewpoints.

A version with the darker Saronite green would be neat to see though.

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I want more Void//space stuff kind of like that fight in Nighthold in the Observatory tower. I just think it’s neat. Stars and the inky black night seem like a good fit for Void Elves versus night Elf which is all Moon stuff.


I just want dark purple eyes with black sclera, and i will be happy. Void elf eye colors are so boring =/