Bumping this thread, because whenever there’s a BLOOD ELF customisation idea suggested –
I get some angry DWARF or angry ranter (eg. High Elf wannabes) – Who will argue how it’s not fair and it should be given to void elves too (Even when it’s very veeery VERY blood elfy, like fel or LIGHT cosmology based) … SO! ~
Some ideas I’d love, is:
- Some old god squiggly tattoos
- Void-glowy hands (Like the Nightborne, but … voidy)
- Old god eyes or tentacles on various parts of body, like back of hands, muscles of arms and the sides of the neck.
- Black cracks throughout voidy white skins, or white cracks throughout voidy black skins – Like broken glass, all over the body would be super neat.
- Voidy-Veins appeal: You can see the veins of your character, but they’re purple glowy
- Voidy-Skeleton seen through flesh appeal: You still have flesh, but you can see your skeleton through it, like an X ray of sorts. The skeleton will look starry.
- Give the old god eyes that were suggested in OP’s creation thread a few more colour variations.
- A lot of hairstyles aren’t really void-centric or purely blood elf centric on either race, that could be shared between the two races (Void Elves / Blood Elves) – So making that happen would be great.
- Eye jewelry: As it says - Imagine earrings but they’re old-god eyes.
On top of that, I’d like void-spell customisations option given for void elves – So for instance:
- Holy spells could have a void-like animation when casting.
- Fire spells look like shadowflame animation.
- Frost spells give more of an ‘ebonbolt’ visual
- Monk spells give a void-like / shadow animation instead of jade-coloured.
I made a thread for Void Animation for the Void Appeal directed @ more-or-less warlocks yonks ago, however if such a questline were to be created – It’d be neat for Void Elves to also get some unique void-dialog or extra ‘whispers’ time to time for the recognition of the race.