Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 2)

I like it well enough, but it really should have matched the players racial imo

It would have been cool to see some overlap between our race and our racial leader.


I do admit, that does look really good.


id only play velf if these things became a option.

Just noticed shes still got her old bow
 Wonder when she upgrades to the new one

Edgy teen and only PvP’s? What is this, circa 2008? Trade in the Death Knight for Purple Mary Manson?

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People on Twitter raging that the dialogue makes no sense.

Like, yes it does?

Vereesa was neutral and begrudgingly stayed neutral despite the Horde killing her husband. She took the first opportunity she could to join the Alliance.

So naturally, when the Kirin Tor became neutral again, she wouldn’t have stuck around. And with the Alliance/Horde armistice, she’s not about to be leading the Silver Covenant in war when the Alliance is fighting hand in hand with the Horde.

I think the fact she went off on her own secluded fits her character perfectly. Though it does raise the question of if she’s still leading the Silver Covenant/High Elves.

People act like some characters just need to get over their faction grievances, but Vereesa’s husband was murdered by the Horde, and nuked out of existence, seemingly from all timelines. (They haven’t really said if that statement was canon or just conjecture) She has more right to have a faction grudge more than 99.9% of lore characters.


I think Blizzard added this dialogue only to reassure worried players.


Her focusing on her husbands death is a nice change of pace. She always seemed kinda wishy washy on just her general character.

Sounds like the general gist is she stepped away for a bit to be alone now that the Horde and Alliance are in an armistice?

Hope we get to see her eventally in TWW. (Though I’d bet they’ll bring her back round in Midnight.)


She might have focused on raising her kids in the timeskip.

So I see her going to Stormwind since it’s relatively peaceful and she can still command her troops from there since they are in the 7th legion.

I could also see her living in Kul Tiras if Jaina wanted to sort of make amends for Ronin sacrificing himself to save her and provide for them.

Also, lore wise she has a cottage somewhere around the Dalaran Crater. So that is an option.


Personally I think the real answer is that Blizz just wanted to focus on Alleria this expac and they’re also probably working on a new model for Vereesa for Midnight so she’s just retired for the time being and they saw everyone questioning where she was on Twitter so added this flavor text in to appease us lol


We dont actually know anything beyond that vareesa moved away from dalaran and so was not there for the attack.

We dont know where she went or why she went.
My theory is she went back to silvermoon.

But i just think they dont want to use her until midnight so threw in some random reason she was not at dalaran with the silver covenant when it was attacked.

Yeah, I’m thinking the same as well, especially since we just saw Arator there, and she was the one who raised him.

I imagine that without proper context and build up people would be confused as to why the leader of the Silver Covenant would ever return home to Silvermoon, which is why we’re seeing the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant being all buddy buddy, and the faction conflict being diminished, so that when its finally revealed it will be easier for players to digest.

We do know that she considers Quel’thalas her homeland, and we saw her working together peacefully with the Farstriders. So I imagine she found some common ground and returned home.

I am excited about the idea of the elves reunifying back to the Blood elf capital.

Certain things lead me to think that Vereesa being somewhere besides Silvermoon is the more likely scenario, but would find it equally believable if it turns out she does.

I wish I could make this mog look any better.

I do feel like the bow does somehow kill it a bit.

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We 100% know that she didn’t because the short story didn’t mention her.

Also there is no logical way she would be allowed there after the purge.

She cannonicaly has a cottage around Dalaran Crater so I would not be surprised if there was some effort to rebuild the area already going down pre/post timeskip.

That was she could pop back up with Blazzard never having to mention the details.

Unless that are going with a fully neutral Silvermoon. Which would be a joke lol


False premise.

Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.

This is a better argument, but Blizzard has trouble with logic

That said, Blizzard doesn’t seem to like the idea of set in stone lore anymore (not that they weren’t averse to taking a stance before), apparently if it’s not open to interpretation, aka the unreliable narrator (which they keep failing to use correctly) it just isn’t “good”
 or something like that.

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I dont see how her not showing up in a story about alleria visiting her son rules out the possibility of vereesa living in that city :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I want jewelry options and more hair.

But some of these look really good.


“I’m going to warn my son from the coming danger. But not my sister and my nephews. They can die.”

Side note.

We also know he not being in Dalaran was already established as the time of the cutscene since he asked how her family was but because he didn’t know about Vereesa it pointed to her not being there. Unless he meant just her Husband/Son but that would be an odd use of the language.

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