Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 2)

interesting. only problem is we are:

  1. still missing an old god from the whispers
  2. she likes to mind game and toy with her prey, whereas Void naaru are mostly silent
  3. n’zoth is an illusionist, so he may have made it seem like he was who we killed when in fact he uses xal as a horcrux of sorts and portals away right in front of us. she even raises her arms and appears to cast a spell as soon as she is freed from the dagger. afterall, he appears as a fish to azshara. hes a master illusionist
  4. why does he want the dagger? so he can make it look like hes drawn out by it later
  5. xal taunts the viewer like n’zoth taunts azshara. She even uses similar wording

theoretically, of course

a compilation of xal knife fu quotes.

Umbric and Void Elves have been added to the destroyed tower area, they are fighting the Nerubians with the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers.


Starting to wonder if Blizzard is paying attention here or something. lol

Ask and ye shall receive…


Blizzard also added dialogue to Alleria regarding Vereesa.

Vereesa is alive and safe.


The community managers read most of the topics and take notes. BellularGaming once described how they operate and where the focus lies.

They even fulfilled all my criticism about FOMO two years ago when I opened a big topic with many comparison pictures. Most of the things I criticized has been actually read.


ion, the destroyer of all things alliance helf related, has nixxed velf paladins/shaman/druids in a recent interview. in fact, all races/all classes, gone, altogether

its possible alliance may still get belf paladins and horde may still get nelf druids but only as faction changers. they retain their race and classes, though in enemy faction. theoretically. essentially, traitors

That’s not really accurate. He specifically said:

I would never say never, but I don’t think we have any immediate plans for further expansion like we’ve seen over the course of Dragonflight, beyond drachtyr.

the emphasis on “think” and “immediate” is mine. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen later in TWW or with the launch of Midnight. Doesn’t mean it will either, but I wanted to be a little fair and not twist his words into doom and gloom.


Those are 2 developments I’m pretty happy to see: Being Vereesa’s status, and that they’ve added void elves. Seems like a super odd oversight that they weren’t there to begin with :man_shrugging:, but better late than never :sunglasses:


If Ion said it, treat it as a “grain of salt” situation.

That man has said so many things that by the end of the expansion have been the opposite its kinda ridiculous. >.>

They’re clearly still prepping for all races to have all classes. Paladins are already ready, they’re expanding Dracthyr, we just saw a void elf paladin.

They’ll come in time.


If anything, I am now more convinced than ever that all race/class combos are coming precisely because Ion said they don’t have any plans yet lol


so so glad they added Umbric and Velves alongside the High Elves in the Isle of Dorn intro!


High elves, blood elves and void elves united to fight the same enemy.

These 3 Thalassian elf groups are ready for Midnight. :handshake:


The question is are the players of those races ready to work together.

I know I keep saying this but I’m really hoping for a good ranger set for once for hunters. Haven’t had a good once since legion’s Eagle talon set. While the mythic raid tier set it purple for s1 in TWW, it still doesn’t feel rangery to me.


When pondering the possible future of War Within and Midnight, there are 2 things I keep coming back to and the are the players of those races ready to work together kinda highlights them. 1. There’s the interview that basically implied faction tensions aren’t going anywhere, and 2. I recall reading that part of doing Remix was that it was, at least in part, relevant to things to come. But not what specifically. Is it the old god and titan and sha stuff? The events in Dalaran, and or what happened between the covenant and sunreavers? Is it to remind us in general of the faction conflict and one of its’ more brutal moments (storytelling got way better in-game in that expac)? Is it the Pandaren’s themes of balance and harmony? Is it all of that or none of it? So many questions that time will answer, but I’ve definitely realized that I cannot begin to know where events will lead, but this is probably the most interested I’ve been in WoW storytelling in a long time (probably cause of all the potential elf stuff in midnight). And I’m also pretty happy that they seem to finally be remembering that void elves besides Alleria exist and have gotten a bit of expansion.

There’s another point of interest too. With the updates to Telogrus Rift, there are oddly now only blood elves studying the void with them. I realize something like that can be changed easily, like adding Umbric and void elves to the crash site, and presumably Dornogal after, but I also wonder if it’s intentional and then for what purpose? :thinking:

Did they add any void elves to Dornogal on the beta yet?

Definitely a little of everything.

For one, there’s a focus on Y’shaarj and the Mantid which is definitely going to play a role in the Worldsoul Saga especially due to the parallels between Amanthul ripping out both Y’shaarj and Elun’ahir and we know we are gonna learn about the roots of Elun’ahir with the Harronir in WW. The creatures on the big important mural in WW also resemble Mantid and the crystal in it has similar golden filigree to Y’shaarj’s golden stag filigree around his main eye.

For another, the main theme of Pandaria being that the faction war is bad for everyone and especially bad for the living world itself is definitely a main theme of the Worldsoul Saga and working together to protect our shared planet.

I don’t think Pandaria was chosen specifically for the Purge of Dalaran but it’s definitely a good coincidence that it’s in there considering it refreshes everyone’s memory before Midnight!

Voidlight Everdawn is a High Elf studying the Void (confirmed by a Dev on Twitter) but yes the other High Elf Wayfarer NPCs are gone, presumably having become void acolytes

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I was meaning un-transformed. Initially there were high elf wayfarers and silvermoon scholars there. Once updated, that initial wave is presumably transformed, leaving only untransformed blood elves as new recruits.

Voidlight Everdawn is still “untransformed” High Elf as per the words of the Dev but yeah she’s the only one now which is sad :cry:

Im so dissapointed and hurt.

I feel like blizzard doesn’t care about their community and if they did? They would listen and implement some of the customization that the community has been requesting FOR YEARS

I have not seen any hairstyles implemented or any of the skin colors or hair colors and it DOES NOT take a lot of resources to do in a minor patch… so tired of this company not listening to requests from us players…

Its like our pleas falls on deaf ears.

I want more void elf customization and that bun hairstyle is chefs kiss.

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Alleria has a new Void Form in WW! Reminiscent of Legion Glyph of Shadows! This would be a sick customization option!